< Syntax
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
10 months ago
Merged Syntaxes.
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
title: Custom MultiMarkdown Syntax
author: [[Sl’s Repository Ltd]]
description: This is an example of Metadata.
HTML Header: <script type="text/javascript"
tags: test, demo, example
alias: MultiMarkdown Demo
MultiMarkdown Syntax
Supports bold, italic, bold italic and other Markdown syntax.
- Lists
- Lists
Markdown syntax with extended support for MultiMarkdown extensions, like footnotes, definitions lists and Critic Markup. This version includes support for custom colors for abbreviations, definition lists, glossary items, variables, metadata and other MultiMarkdown features not supported in the default MultiMarkdown syntax (images, bold italic, tables and more) while keeping it compatible with the default themes.
@charset "utf-8";
:root {
--main-bg-color: #212120;
--main-color: #EFEFEF;
--dark-bg-color: #191919;
--colorEF: #EFEFEF;
--colorCD: #CDCDCD;
--color-purple: #3D3B63;
--color-table: #282828;
--font-mono: 'DankMono-Italic', 'DankMonoNerdFontNerdFontCompleteM-Italic', 'SymbolsNFM';
a {
color: var(--color-link);
blockquote p { display: inline; }
inline code
This is {–is –}an example of Critic Markup Deletions.
This {++is ++}an example of Critic Markup Additions.
This {isn’t~>is} an example of Critic Markup Substitutions.
This is an {==example==} of Critic Markup Highlights.
This is an example {>>of Critic Markup Comments<<}.
Here is a footnote. [footnote]
[footnote]: Here is the text of the footnote itself.
Here is a citation.[#citation]
[#citation]: Here is the source of this citation, Sl’s Repository Ltd, 2021, p. 1.
Here is a glossary definition [?glossary]
[?glossary]: Here is the text with the actual definition - an alphabetical list of words related to a specific subject, text or dialects with explanations; a brief dictionary.
[>abbr]: this is an abbreviation.
Here is a definition list:
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: An american computer company.
: 1 a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary: a dictionary definition of the verb.
: • an exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something: our definition of what constitutes poetry.
: [mass noun] the action or process of defining something: a question of definition | issues of methodology and definition.
: 2 [mass noun] the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound: the clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
: • the capacity of a device to make images distinct in outline: we’ve been pleased with the definition of this TV.
[image3]: And this too.
An example of math within a paragraph — \({e}{ipi }+1=0\)
— easy enough.
And an equation on it’s own:
\[ {x}_{1,2}=\frac{-bpm sqrt{{b}{2}-4ac}}{2a} \]
Some subscripts and superscripts:
22 = 4~10
4~10 x 2~10 = 23
Horizontal rules:
And with this metadata variable, we conclude our tour.
Thanks for viewing this sample by [%author].
Hope you’ll enjoy using this syntax :)
Academic Writing Markdown
Supports bold, italic, ==highlights==, strikethrough. Pandoc Citations [@Foucault1977] and #tags.
A footnote.[1] %%An Obsidian-style comment.%%
[1]: The footnote itself.
// JavaScript Syntax
const n = 100;
let s = “string value”;
if (n < 1000) {
title: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-08-23
// Merger: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string;
if (clipping.title != null) {
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.txt != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!|[" + clipping.url + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.text + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
return mergedString;
}, "");
return merged;
title: “⭐️"Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn"
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-09-11
// Merger ⭐️Refs: “Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string
if (clipping.title != null) {
mergedString += “\”“ + clipping.title + ”\“\n” + clipping.text
} else {
mergedString += clipping.text
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += “\n(” + clipping.url + “)\n”
} else {
mergedString += “\n”
return mergedString + “______\n”
}, “”)
return merged
10 months ago
Merged Syntaxes.
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
title: Custom MultiMarkdown Syntax
author: [[Sl’s Repository Ltd]]
description: This is an example of Metadata.
HTML Header: <script type="text/javascript"
tags: test, demo, example
alias: MultiMarkdown Demo
MultiMarkdown Syntax
Supports bold, italic, bold italic and other Markdown syntax.
- Lists
- Lists
Markdown syntax with extended support for MultiMarkdown extensions, like footnotes, definitions lists and Critic Markup. This version includes support for custom colors for abbreviations, definition lists, glossary items, variables, metadata and other MultiMarkdown features not supported in the default MultiMarkdown syntax (images, bold italic, tables and more) while keeping it compatible with the default themes.
@charset "utf-8";
:root {
--main-bg-color: #212120;
--main-color: #EFEFEF;
--dark-bg-color: #191919;
--colorEF: #EFEFEF;
--colorCD: #CDCDCD;
--color-purple: #3D3B63;
--color-table: #282828;
--font-mono: 'DankMono-Italic', 'DankMonoNerdFontNerdFontCompleteM-Italic', 'SymbolsNFM';
a {
color: var(--color-link);
blockquote p { display: inline; }
inline code
This is {–is –}an example of Critic Markup Deletions.
This {++is ++}an example of Critic Markup Additions.
This {isn’t~>is} an example of Critic Markup Substitutions.
This is an {==example==} of Critic Markup Highlights.
This is an example {>>of Critic Markup Comments<<}.
Here is a footnote. [footnote]
[footnote]: Here is the text of the footnote itself.
Here is a citation.[#citation]
[#citation]: Here is the source of this citation, Sl’s Repository Ltd, 2021, p. 1.
Here is a glossary definition [?glossary]
[?glossary]: Here is the text with the actual definition - an alphabetical list of words related to a specific subject, text or dialects with explanations; a brief dictionary.
[>abbr]: this is an abbreviation.
Here is a definition list:
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: An american computer company.
: 1 a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary: a dictionary definition of the verb.
: • an exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something: our definition of what constitutes poetry.
: [mass noun] the action or process of defining something: a question of definition | issues of methodology and definition.
: 2 [mass noun] the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound: the clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
: • the capacity of a device to make images distinct in outline: we’ve been pleased with the definition of this TV.
[image3]: And this too.
An example of math within a paragraph — \({e}{ipi }+1=0\)
— easy enough.
And an equation on it’s own:
\[ {x}_{1,2}=\frac{-bpm sqrt{{b}{2}-4ac}}{2a} \]
Some subscripts and superscripts:
22 = 4~10
4~10 x 2~10 = 23
Horizontal rules:
And with this metadata variable, we conclude our tour.
Thanks for viewing this sample by [%author].
Hope you’ll enjoy using this syntax :)
Academic Writing Markdown
Supports bold, italic, ==highlights==, strikethrough. Pandoc Citations [@Foucault1977] and #tags.
A footnote.[1] %%An Obsidian-style comment.%%
[1]: The footnote itself.
// JavaScript Syntax
const n = 100;
let s = “string value”;
if (n < 1000) {
title: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-08-23
// Merger: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string;
if (clipping.title != null) {
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.txt != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!|[" + clipping.url + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.text + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
return mergedString;
}, "");
return merged;
title: “⭐️"Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn"
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-09-11
// Merger ⭐️Refs: “Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string
if (clipping.title != null) {
mergedString += “\”“ + clipping.title + ”\“\n” + clipping.text
} else {
mergedString += clipping.text
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += “\n(” + clipping.url + “)\n”
} else {
mergedString += “\n”
return mergedString + “______\n”
}, “”)
return merged
10 months ago
Merged Syntaxes.
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
title: Custom MultiMarkdown Syntax
author: [[Sl’s Repository Ltd]]
description: This is an example of Metadata.
HTML Header: <script type="text/javascript"
tags: test, demo, example
alias: MultiMarkdown Demo
MultiMarkdown Syntax
Supports bold, italic, bold italic and other Markdown syntax.
- Lists
- Lists
Markdown syntax with extended support for MultiMarkdown extensions, like footnotes, definitions lists and Critic Markup. This version includes support for custom colors for abbreviations, definition lists, glossary items, variables, metadata and other MultiMarkdown features not supported in the default MultiMarkdown syntax (images, bold italic, tables and more) while keeping it compatible with the default themes.
@charset "utf-8";
:root {
--main-bg-color: #212120;
--main-color: #EFEFEF;
--dark-bg-color: #191919;
--colorEF: #EFEFEF;
--colorCD: #CDCDCD;
--color-purple: #3D3B63;
--color-table: #282828;
--font-mono: 'DankMono-Italic', 'DankMonoNerdFontNerdFontCompleteM-Italic', 'SymbolsNFM';
a {
color: var(--color-link);
blockquote p { display: inline; }
inline code
This is {–is –}an example of Critic Markup Deletions.
This {++is ++}an example of Critic Markup Additions.
This {isn’t~>is} an example of Critic Markup Substitutions.
This is an {==example==} of Critic Markup Highlights.
This is an example {>>of Critic Markup Comments<<}.
Here is a footnote. [footnote]
[footnote]: Here is the text of the footnote itself.
Here is a citation.[#citation]
[#citation]: Here is the source of this citation, Sl’s Repository Ltd, 2021, p. 1.
Here is a glossary definition [?glossary]
[?glossary]: Here is the text with the actual definition - an alphabetical list of words related to a specific subject, text or dialects with explanations; a brief dictionary.
[>abbr]: this is an abbreviation.
Here is a definition list:
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: An american computer company.
: 1 a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary: a dictionary definition of the verb.
: • an exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something: our definition of what constitutes poetry.
: [mass noun] the action or process of defining something: a question of definition | issues of methodology and definition.
: 2 [mass noun] the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound: the clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
: • the capacity of a device to make images distinct in outline: we’ve been pleased with the definition of this TV.
[image3]: And this too.
An example of math within a paragraph — \({e}{ipi }+1=0\)
— easy enough.
And an equation on it’s own:
\[ {x}_{1,2}=\frac{-bpm sqrt{{b}{2}-4ac}}{2a} \]
Some subscripts and superscripts:
22 = 4~10
4~10 x 2~10 = 23
Horizontal rules:
And with this metadata variable, we conclude our tour.
Thanks for viewing this sample by [%author].
Hope you’ll enjoy using this syntax :)
Academic Writing Markdown
Supports bold, italic, ==highlights==, strikethrough. Pandoc Citations [@Foucault1977] and #tags.
A footnote.[1] %%An Obsidian-style comment.%%
[1]: The footnote itself.
// JavaScript Syntax
const n = 100;
let s = “string value”;
if (n < 1000) {
title: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-08-23
// Merger: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string;
if (clipping.title != null) {
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.txt != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!|[" + clipping.url + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.text + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
return mergedString;
}, "");
return merged;
title: “⭐️"Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn"
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-09-11
// Merger ⭐️Refs: “Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string
if (clipping.title != null) {
mergedString += “\”“ + clipping.title + ”\“\n” + clipping.text
} else {
mergedString += clipping.text
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += “\n(” + clipping.url + “)\n”
} else {
mergedString += “\n”
return mergedString + “______\n”
}, “”)
return merged
10 months ago
Merged Syntaxes.
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
title: Custom MultiMarkdown Syntax
author: [[Sl’s Repository Ltd]]
description: This is an example of Metadata.
HTML Header: <script type="text/javascript"
tags: test, demo, example
alias: MultiMarkdown Demo
MultiMarkdown Syntax
Supports bold, italic, bold italic and other Markdown syntax.
- Lists
- Lists
Markdown syntax with extended support for MultiMarkdown extensions, like footnotes, definitions lists and Critic Markup. This version includes support for custom colors for abbreviations, definition lists, glossary items, variables, metadata and other MultiMarkdown features not supported in the default MultiMarkdown syntax (images, bold italic, tables and more) while keeping it compatible with the default themes.
@charset "utf-8";
:root {
--main-bg-color: #212120;
--main-color: #EFEFEF;
--dark-bg-color: #191919;
--colorEF: #EFEFEF;
--colorCD: #CDCDCD;
--color-purple: #3D3B63;
--color-table: #282828;
--font-mono: 'DankMono-Italic', 'DankMonoNerdFontNerdFontCompleteM-Italic', 'SymbolsNFM';
a {
color: var(--color-link);
blockquote p { display: inline; }
inline code
This is {–is –}an example of Critic Markup Deletions.
This {++is ++}an example of Critic Markup Additions.
This {isn’t~>is} an example of Critic Markup Substitutions.
This is an {==example==} of Critic Markup Highlights.
This is an example {>>of Critic Markup Comments<<}.
Here is a footnote. [footnote]
[footnote]: Here is the text of the footnote itself.
Here is a citation.[#citation]
[#citation]: Here is the source of this citation, Sl’s Repository Ltd, 2021, p. 1.
Here is a glossary definition [?glossary]
[?glossary]: Here is the text with the actual definition - an alphabetical list of words related to a specific subject, text or dialects with explanations; a brief dictionary.
[>abbr]: this is an abbreviation.
Here is a definition list:
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: An american computer company.
: 1 a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary: a dictionary definition of the verb.
: • an exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something: our definition of what constitutes poetry.
: [mass noun] the action or process of defining something: a question of definition | issues of methodology and definition.
: 2 [mass noun] the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound: the clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
: • the capacity of a device to make images distinct in outline: we’ve been pleased with the definition of this TV.
[image3]: And this too.
An example of math within a paragraph — \({e}{ipi }+1=0\)
— easy enough.
And an equation on it’s own:
\[ {x}_{1,2}=\frac{-bpm sqrt{{b}{2}-4ac}}{2a} \]
Some subscripts and superscripts:
22 = 4~10
4~10 x 2~10 = 23
Horizontal rules:
And with this metadata variable, we conclude our tour.
Thanks for viewing this sample by [%author].
Hope you’ll enjoy using this syntax :)
Academic Writing Markdown
Supports bold, italic, ==highlights==, strikethrough. Pandoc Citations [@Foucault1977] and #tags.
A footnote.[1] %%An Obsidian-style comment.%%
[1]: The footnote itself.
// JavaScript Syntax
const n = 100;
let s = “string value”;
if (n < 1000) {
title: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-08-23
// Merger: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string;
if (clipping.title != null) {
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.txt != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!|[" + clipping.url + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.text + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
return mergedString;
}, "");
return merged;
title: “⭐️"Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn"
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-09-11
// Merger ⭐️Refs: “Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string
if (clipping.title != null) {
mergedString += “\”“ + clipping.title + ”\“\n” + clipping.text
} else {
mergedString += clipping.text
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += “\n(” + clipping.url + “)\n”
} else {
mergedString += “\n”
return mergedString + “______\n”
}, “”)
return merged
10 months ago
Merged Syntaxes.
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
title: Custom MultiMarkdown Syntax
author: [[Sl’s Repository Ltd]]
description: This is an example of Metadata.
HTML Header: <script type="text/javascript"
tags: test, demo, example
alias: MultiMarkdown Demo
MultiMarkdown Syntax
Supports bold, italic, bold italic and other Markdown syntax.
- Lists
- Lists
Markdown syntax with extended support for MultiMarkdown extensions, like footnotes, definitions lists and Critic Markup. This version includes support for custom colors for abbreviations, definition lists, glossary items, variables, metadata and other MultiMarkdown features not supported in the default MultiMarkdown syntax (images, bold italic, tables and more) while keeping it compatible with the default themes.
@charset "utf-8";
:root {
--main-bg-color: #212120;
--main-color: #EFEFEF;
--dark-bg-color: #191919;
--colorEF: #EFEFEF;
--colorCD: #CDCDCD;
--color-purple: #3D3B63;
--color-table: #282828;
--font-mono: 'DankMono-Italic', 'DankMonoNerdFontNerdFontCompleteM-Italic', 'SymbolsNFM';
a {
color: var(--color-link);
blockquote p { display: inline; }
inline code
This is {–is –}an example of Critic Markup Deletions.
This {++is ++}an example of Critic Markup Additions.
This {isn’t~>is} an example of Critic Markup Substitutions.
This is an {==example==} of Critic Markup Highlights.
This is an example {>>of Critic Markup Comments<<}.
Here is a footnote. [footnote]
[footnote]: Here is the text of the footnote itself.
Here is a citation.[#citation]
[#citation]: Here is the source of this citation, Sl’s Repository Ltd, 2021, p. 1.
Here is a glossary definition [?glossary]
[?glossary]: Here is the text with the actual definition - an alphabetical list of words related to a specific subject, text or dialects with explanations; a brief dictionary.
[>abbr]: this is an abbreviation.
Here is a definition list:
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: An american computer company.
: 1 a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary: a dictionary definition of the verb.
: • an exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something: our definition of what constitutes poetry.
: [mass noun] the action or process of defining something: a question of definition | issues of methodology and definition.
: 2 [mass noun] the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound: the clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
: • the capacity of a device to make images distinct in outline: we’ve been pleased with the definition of this TV.
![alt text][https://i.imgur.com/rW9qssd.png]
[image3]: And this too.
An example of math within a paragraph — \({e}{ipi }+1=0\)
— easy enough.
And an equation on it’s own:
\[ {x}_{1,2}=\frac{-bpm sqrt{{b}{2}-4ac}}{2a} \]
Some subscripts and superscripts:
22 = 4~10
4~10 x 2~10 = 23
Horizontal rules:
And with this metadata variable, we conclude our tour.
Thanks for viewing this sample by [%author].
Hope you’ll enjoy using this syntax :)
Academic Writing Markdown
Supports bold, italic, ==highlights==, strikethrough. Pandoc Citations [@Foucault1977] and #tags.
A footnote.[1] %%An Obsidian-style comment.%%
[1]: The footnote itself.
// JavaScript Syntax
const n = 100;
let s = “string value”;
if (n < 1000) {
title: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-08-23
// Merger: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string;
if (clipping.title != null) {
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.txt != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!|[" + clipping.url + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.text + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
return mergedString;
}, "");
return merged;
title: “⭐️"Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn"
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-09-11
// Merger ⭐️Refs: “Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string
if (clipping.title != null) {
mergedString += “\”“ + clipping.title + ”\“\n” + clipping.text
} else {
mergedString += clipping.text
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += “\n(” + clipping.url + “)\n”
} else {
mergedString += “\n”
return mergedString + “______\n”
}, “”)
return merged
10 months ago
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
10 months ago
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
10 months ago
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
Merged Syntaxes.
Custom MultiMarkdown Draftsdown Obsidian Java
using with Skin v3.5
Skin v3.5 Neutral
Dark theme with code syntax
title: Custom MultiMarkdown Syntax
author: [[Sl’s Repository Ltd]]
description: This is an example of Metadata.
HTML Header: <script type="text/javascript"
tags: test, demo, example
alias: MultiMarkdown Demo
MultiMarkdown Syntax
Supports bold, italic, bold italic and other Markdown syntax.
- Lists
- Lists
Markdown syntax with extended support for MultiMarkdown extensions, like footnotes, definitions lists and Critic Markup. This version includes support for custom colors for abbreviations, definition lists, glossary items, variables, metadata and other MultiMarkdown features not supported in the default MultiMarkdown syntax (images, bold italic, tables and more) while keeping it compatible with the default themes.
@charset "utf-8";
:root {
--main-bg-color: #212120;
--main-color: #EFEFEF;
--dark-bg-color: #191919;
--colorEF: #EFEFEF;
--colorCD: #CDCDCD;
--color-purple: #3D3B63;
--color-table: #282828;
--font-mono: 'DankMono-Italic', 'DankMonoNerdFontNerdFontCompleteM-Italic', 'SymbolsNFM';
a {
color: var(--color-link);
blockquote p { display: inline; }
inline code
This is {–is –}an example of Critic Markup Deletions.
This {++is ++}an example of Critic Markup Additions.
This {isn’t~>is} an example of Critic Markup Substitutions.
This is an {==example==} of Critic Markup Highlights.
This is an example {>>of Critic Markup Comments<<}.
Here is a footnote. [footnote]
[footnote]: Here is the text of the footnote itself.
Here is a citation.[#citation]
[#citation]: Here is the source of this citation, Sl’s Repository Ltd, 2021, p. 1.
Here is a glossary definition [?glossary]
[?glossary]: Here is the text with the actual definition - an alphabetical list of words related to a specific subject, text or dialects with explanations; a brief dictionary.
[>abbr]: this is an abbreviation.
Here is a definition list:
: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in
the family Rosaceae.
: An american computer company.
: 1 a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary: a dictionary definition of the verb.
: • an exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something: our definition of what constitutes poetry.
: [mass noun] the action or process of defining something: a question of definition | issues of methodology and definition.
: 2 [mass noun] the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound: the clarity and definition of pictures can be aided by using computer graphics.
: • the capacity of a device to make images distinct in outline: we’ve been pleased with the definition of this TV.
[image3]: And this too.
An example of math within a paragraph — \({e}{ipi }+1=0\)
— easy enough.
And an equation on it’s own:
\[ {x}_{1,2}=\frac{-bpm sqrt{{b}{2}-4ac}}{2a} \]
Some subscripts and superscripts:
22 = 4~10
4~10 x 2~10 = 23
Horizontal rules:
And with this metadata variable, we conclude our tour.
Thanks for viewing this sample by [%author].
Hope you’ll enjoy using this syntax :)
Academic Writing Markdown
Supports bold, italic, ==highlights==, strikethrough. Pandoc Citations [@Foucault1977] and #tags.
A footnote.[1] %%An Obsidian-style comment.%%
[1]: The footnote itself.
// JavaScript Syntax
const n = 100;
let s = “string value”;
if (n < 1000) {
title: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-08-23
// Merger: Merged Markdown ⭐️ MD Link 2
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string;
if (clipping.title != null) {
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.txt != null) {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.title + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
} else if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += "\!|[" + clipping.url + "\]\(" + clipping.url + "\)" + "\n"
} else {
mergedString += "\!\[" + clipping.text + "\]\(" + clipping.text + "\)" + "\n"
return mergedString;
}, "");
return merged;
title: “⭐️"Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn"
tags: copied, copiedapp, mergers, text-functions-mergers, javascript
date created: 2023-09-11
// Merger ⭐️Refs: “Title”+Clip+(URL) __ 2xLn
function merge(clippings) {
var merged = clippings.reduce(function(string, clipping) {
var mergedString = string
if (clipping.title != null) {
mergedString += “\”“ + clipping.title + ”\“\n” + clipping.text
} else {
mergedString += clipping.text
if (clipping.url != null) {
mergedString += “\n(” + clipping.url + “)\n”
} else {
mergedString += “\n”
return mergedString + “______\n”
}, “”)
return merged