< Syntax

Custom MultiMarkdown

Posted by devsl, Last update over 3 years ago


over 3 years ago

Updated the scope reference in the description.

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over 3 years ago

Updated the scope reference in the description.

over 3 years ago

Added links to the Custom Light and Custom Dark themes.

over 3 years ago

Updated the description with an header for the scope reference :)

over 3 years ago

Updated the description to be clearer :)

  • @devsl, slsrepo.com

Markdown syntax with extended support for MultiMarkdown extensions, like footnotes, definition lists and Critic Markup.

This is an extended version of the default MultiMarkdown syntax, which includes support for custom colors for abbreviations, definition lists, glossary items, variables, metadata and other MultiMarkdown features not supported in the default MultiMarkdown syntax (images, bold italic, tables and more) while keeping it compatible with the default themes.

For example of custom made themes using this syntax check out Custom Light and Custom Dark :)

by @devsl, slsrepo.com

Scope Reference (for theme makers):

  • Header Markup: Allows customizing each header markup separately. Scopes: markup.heading01-markup.heading06, usesmarkup.heading by default.
  • Escaped Line Breaks: uses text.invisibles by default.
  • Horizontal Rules: text.multimarkdown.hr, uses markup by default.
  • Footnotes: text.multimarkdown.footnote, uses markup.link by default.
  • Images: text.multimarkdown.image, uses markup.link and color.accent01 by default.
  • Subscripts: text.multimarkdown.subscript, uses markup by default.
  • Superscripts: text.multimarkdown.superscript, uses markup by default.
  • Math: text.multimarkdown.math, uses markup by default.
  • Tables: text.multimarkdown.table, with text.multimarkdown.table.head, text.multimarkdown.table.header, text.multimarkdown.table.divider, text.multimarkdown.table.caption also available for specific parts. Uses color.accent02 by default.
  • Metadata: text.multimarkdown.metadata, uses color.accent03 by default.
  • Citations: text.multimarkdown.citation, uses markup.link and color.accent04 by default.
  • Glossary definitions: text.multimarkdown.glossary, uses markup.link and color.accent05 by default.
  • Abbreviation: text.multimarkdown.abbreviation, uses markup.link, color.accent06 by default.
  • Definition Lists: text.multimarkdown.definitionList with text.multimarkdown.definitionList.term and text.multimarkdown.defitionList.definition for more specific highlighting. Uses color.accent03 by default.
  • Metadata Variables: text.multimarkdown.variable, uses markup.link and code.keyword by default.
  • TOC (Table of Contents): text.multimarkdown.toc, uses code.literal by default.
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