Shortcut: Insert Result
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
about 1 month ago
Send the selected text in the editor to a shortcut in the Shortcuts as as input. Replaces the text in the editor with the result text from the shortcut.
This is meant as an example action to demonstrate how to call a shortcut and get a result via the Shortcut
script object
To change the name of the shortcut being called, right-click on the action in the action list and “Configure” the action.
name Shortcut Name
key shortcutName
script (iOS only)
// load shortcut name let shortcutName = "UPPERCASE" if (context.configuredValues["shortcutName"]) { shortcutName = context.configuredValues["shortcutName"] } // get input text let selectedText = editor.getSelectedText() const [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange() let shortcut = Shortcut.create(shortcutName, selectedText) if ( { if (shortcut.result) { editor.setSelectedText(shortcut.result) editor.setSelectedRange(st, shortcut.result.length) } } else { console.log(`Shortcuts Error: ${JSON.stringify(shortcut.response)}`) }
script (macOS only)
// load shortcut name let shortcutName = "" if (context.configuredValues["shortcutName"]) { shortcutName = context.configuredValues["shortcutName"] } let method = "execute"; let script = `on execute(theInput) tell application "Shortcuts Events" set theResult to (run the shortcut named "${shortcutName}" with input theInput) return item 1 of theResult end tell end execute`; const [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange() let input = editor.getSelectedText().replaceAll('"', '\"') let runner = AppleScript.create(script); if (runner.execute(method, [input])) { // the AppleScript ran without error // if the script returned a result, it's available... editor.setSelectedText(runner.lastResult) editor.setSelectedRange(st, runner.lastResult.length) } else { alert(runner.lastError); }
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