
Sarcasm Case

Posted by themgineer, Last update 25 days ago


25 days ago

Added missing semicolon

Converts selected text to sarcasm case (alternating upper and lower case letters). The script will skip non-letter characters.


  • script

    const regex = new RegExp('[a-z]');
    let selectedText = editor.getSelectedText().toLowerCase();
    let textArray = selectedText.split('');
    let toggle = true;
    for (let i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
    	if (!regex.test(textArray[i])) { continue; }
    	if (toggle) {
    		textArray[i] = textArray[i].toUpperCase();
    		toggle = false;
    	else {
    			textArray[i] = textArray[i].toLowerCase();
    			toggle = true;
    let sarcasm = textArray.join('');


  • After Success Default
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