open tagged draft
Posted by FlohGro,
Last update
10 months ago
created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog
Easily open Drafts from a selected tag.
The Action displays a prompt with all your tags.
If you select a tag it will filter the drafts in your library and you can select the draft to open (if only one draft with that tag is found, it will be opened immediately).
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// open tagged draft 1.0 // created by let tags = Tag.query("").sort() // prompt to select tag scope / nest let p = new Prompt(); p.title = "select tag"; => { p.addButton(t) }); if ( { let selectedTag = p.buttonPressed; let foundDrafts = Draft.query("", "all", [selectedTag], [], "modified", true, true); let selectedDraft = selectDraft(foundDrafts) if (selectedDraft) { editor.load(selectedDraft) } else { app.displayInfoMessage("no draft selected") } } else { app.displayInfoMessage("no tag selected") } function selectDraft(draftsList) { if (draftsList.length == 1) { app.displayInfoMessage("open the only draft with the selected tag") return draftsList[0] } let p = new Prompt() p.title = "select draft" => { p.addButton((d.isFlagged ? "🚩 " : "") + d.displayTitle, d) }) if ( { return p.buttonPressed } else { return undefined } }
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