Process Meeting Notes to Things
Posted by jsndyr,
Last update
9 months ago
This script looks for the following text in a Drafts note and imports it into Things 3.
- [ ] Task title/details on this row
- due: YYYY-MM-DD format
- notes: Add any notes you want for your todo here
- tags: Tags can be separated by commas
- project: Add your task to the selected project. Needs to exactly match the title in Things.
The only field that is required is the first row. You can include none, one or more of the rows that are indented below as needed. Project name needs to be exact to work.
Once a task is moved to Things, the checkbox is updated to say [things] so you can continue to add to do items to your note and add them without duplicating previoulsy added items.
I use this action to process my meeting notes to make sure all of my to do items end up in Things for tracking purposes.
// Function to create a task in Things with optional task details. function createTaskInThings(title, dueDate, notes, tags, project) { let baseURL = "things:///add?"; let urlParts = []; urlParts.push("title=" + encodeURIComponent(title)); if (dueDate) { // Use "when" field for Things URL scheme instead of "deadline" urlParts.push("when=" + encodeURIComponent(dueDate)); } if (notes) { urlParts.push("notes=" + encodeURIComponent(notes)); } if (tags && tags.length > 0) { // Join multiple tags with comma urlParts.push("tags=" + encodeURIComponent(tags.join(','))); } if (project) { urlParts.push("list=" + encodeURIComponent(project)); } let url = baseURL + urlParts.join("&"); // Open URL to create a new task in Things app.openURL(url); } // Function to mark task as moved to Things in the Draft function markTaskAsMoved(index) { lines[index] = lines[index].replace("- [ ]", "- [things]"); // Mark the task as moved to Things // Update the draft content with the modified lines draft.content = lines.join("\n"); draft.update(); } // Parse current draft content let lines = draft.content.split("\n"); lines.forEach((line, index) => { if (line.startsWith("- [ ]")) { // Task line found // Variables to store task details let dueDate = null, notes = null, tagsArray = [], project = null; let title = line.substring(5).trim(); // Remove "- [ ]" prefix // Look ahead for up to 4 sub-bullets let lookAheadIndex = index + 1; while (lookAheadIndex < lines.length && lines[lookAheadIndex].startsWith("\t- ")) { let subBullet = lines[lookAheadIndex].trim().substring(1).trim(); // Remove leading "- " if (subBullet.startsWith("due:")) { dueDate = subBullet.substring(4).trim(); } else if (subBullet.startsWith("notes:")) { notes = subBullet.substring(6).trim(); } else if (subBullet.startsWith("tags:")) { tagsArray = subBullet.substring(5).trim().split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()); } else if (subBullet.startsWith("project:")) { project = subBullet.substring(8).trim() } lookAheadIndex++; } // Create task in Things with the gathered details createTaskInThings(title, dueDate, notes, tagsArray, project); // Optimistically mark the task as moved in Drafts; markTaskAsMoved(index); } });
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