open scope tagged draft
Posted by FlohGro,
Last update
10 months ago
created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog
Easily open Drafts from nested tags or tag scopes.
As a user you make three choices in prompts to open a draft
1) select the scope (tags with ::
) or nested tag (tags with /
2) select the tag from the selected scope / nested structure from 1) (e.g. project::active
or drafts/actions
3) select the draft that has the selected draft
Step 2) and / or 3) will be skipped if there is only one tag / Draft for the current step (e.g. only one tag in project::
→ will skip the prompt and use project::active
If you find this useful and want to support me you can donate or buy me a coffee
// open scope tagged draft 1.0 // created by let tags = Tag.query("") const scopeIdentifier = "::" const nestedIdentifier = "/" let scopedTags = tags.filter(t => { return t.includes(scopeIdentifier) }); let nestedTags = tags.filter(t => { return t.includes(nestedIdentifier) }); let uniqueScopedTags = []; let uniqueNestedTags = []; => { let scope = t.split(scopeIdentifier)[0]; // add it to uniqueScopedTags if its not contained there yet if (!uniqueScopedTags.includes(scope)) { uniqueScopedTags.push(scope) } }) => { let nest = t.split(nestedIdentifier)[0]; // add it to uniqueScopedTags if its not contained there yet if (!uniqueNestedTags.includes(nest)) { uniqueNestedTags.push(nest) } }) let flaggedDrafts = Draft.query("", "flagged", [], [], "accessed", true, false); // prompt to select tag scope / nest let p = new Prompt(); p.title = "select tag scope"; => { p.addButton(t + scopeIdentifier) }); => { p.addButton(t + nestedIdentifier) }); if ( { let selectedTagScope = p.buttonPressed; let possibleTags = tags.filter(t => { return t.startsWith(selectedTagScope) }) let selectedTag = selectTag(possibleTags) if (selectedTag) { let foundDrafts = Draft.query("", "all", [selectedTag], [], "modified", true, true); let selectedDraft = selectDraft(foundDrafts) if (selectedDraft) { editor.load(selectedDraft) } else { app.displayInfoMessage("no draft selected") } } else { app.displayInfoMessage("no tag selected") } } else { app.displayInfoMessage("no scope selected") } function selectTag(tagsList) { if (tagsList.length == 1) { return tagsList[0] } let p = new Prompt() p.title = "select tag" => { p.addButton(t) }) if ( { return p.buttonPressed } else { return undefined } } function selectDraft(draftsList) { if (draftsList.length == 1) { return draftsList[0] } let p = new Prompt() p.title = "select draft" => { p.addButton((d.isFlagged ? "🚩 " : "") + d.displayTitle, d) }) if ( { return p.buttonPressed } else { return undefined } }
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