Post to Confluence
Posted by melandriAlessandro ,
Last update
8 days ago
8 days ago
Replaced template tags with Configured Values.
You’ll need at least Drafts 47 to use this action.
8 days ago
Replaced template tags with Configured Values.
You’ll need at least Drafts 47 to use this action.
4 months ago
Moved login informations (host, username and api token) to Drafts Credentials
11 months ago
Removed settings from the script code
This action allows you to publish a draft to Confluence Cloud.
Draft will be converted to HTML before publishing, so you’ll get a nicely formatted Confluence page.
Settings instructions:
On first run, the action will prompt for authentication infos and save them to Draft credentials
- Atlassian_SpaceId: The space ID is NOT your space key. To get the space id, visit this URL while logged in:
- Atlassian_ParentPage: Parent page id for the new page
name Atlassian SpaceId
key AtlassianSpaceId
name Atlassian ParentPage
key AtlassianParentPage
// ----- Confluence API endpoint and authentication let credential = Credential.createWithHostUsernamePassword("ConfluenceCloud", "Confluence credentials"); credential.addTextField("host", "Confluence Domain"); credential.addTextField("username", "Confluence Username"); credential.addPasswordField("password", "Confluence API Token"); credential.authorize(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ var spaceId = context.configuredValues["AtlassianSpaceId"]; var parentPage = context.configuredValues["AtlassianParentPage"]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ var apiUrl = "https://" + credential.getValue("host") + "/wiki/api/v2/pages"; var authorizationToken = "Basic " + Base64.encode(credential.getValue("username") + ":" + credential.getValue("password")) // Get the note content from the current draft var noteTitle = draft.displayTitle var noteContent = draft.processTemplate("[[trimmed_body]]") var mmd = MultiMarkdown.create(); mmd.format = "html"; mmd.criticMarkup = true; var noteContentHtml = mmd.render(noteContent); var payload = { "spaceId": spaceId, "status": "current", "title": noteTitle, "parentId": parentPage, "body": { "representation": "storage", "value": noteContentHtml } }; var http = HTTP.create(); var response = http.request({ "url": apiUrl, "method": "POST", "encoding": "json", "data": payload, "headers": { "Authorization": authorizationToken, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json" } }); // Process the response if (response.success) { app.displaySuccessMessage("Note published to Confluence") } else { app.displayErrorMessage(JSON.parse(response.responseText).errors[0].title) }
After Success Default Notification None Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.