
import latest readwise highlights

Posted by FlohGro, Last update about 1 year ago

created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog

import latest readwise highlights

This action will import the latest highlights from readwise into Drafts.
Each highlighted document will become a new draft and contain a link back to the original readwise ‘book‘.
The action will import ALL unimported documents from readwise which means it’ll run for a while when you run the action the first time (or after highlighting a big amount of documents).

Metadata of the highlighted documents will be imported, too. (E.g. if you use document tags in readwise they will be added to the draft)

note this is due to rate limiting at the readwise API - the action will keep you updated about the progress but give it a few minutes when you run it the first time

After all new drafts are created the action will import the latest highlighted document. If no new documents where available it will open the last imported document.


You can configure the tags that should be added to each created draft in addition to the document tags. You need to edit the „Define Template Tag“ step in the action to modify this.
Do not change the name of the template tag!
Add the tags to the defined template tag tags_to_add as a comma separated list. By default this is configured to reading,readwise,#2process


Run this action on a regular basis to retrieve your highlights from readwise and import them into drafts. There you can process them, link them to other drafts, review them or further summarize them.

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  • defineTemplateTag

  • script

    // import latest readwise highlights
    // created by @FlohGro
    let tagsToAdd = getTagsFromTemplateTag()
    let credential = Credential.create("Readwise", "insert your Readwise API token to allow Drafts to get data from Readwise.\nYou can retrieve the token by opening and copy it from there");
    credential.addPasswordField("authtoken", "authentication token");
    const booksEndpointWithHighlights = ""
    const bookHighlightsEndpoint = ""
    function run() {
        let http = HTTP.create(); // create HTTP object
        let draftsToCreate = []
       let responseData = performPaginatedRequestToGivenReadwiseApiEndpoint(booksEndpointWithHighlights)
        if (responseData) {
            let books = responseData //.results
            let continueImport = true
            let curBookIndex = 0
            while (continueImport) {
                let success = true
                let latestBook = books[curBookIndex]
                if (isBookAlreadyImported(`> [Readwise Book Highlights](${latestBook.highlights_url})`)) {
                    continueImport = false;
                } else {
                    let response = http.request({
                        "url": bookHighlightsEndpoint +,
                        "method": "GET",
                        "headers": {
                            "Authorization": "Token " + credential.getValue("authtoken"),
                    responseData = undefined;
                    if (response.success) {
                        responseData = response.responseData;
                    } else {
                        app.displayInfoMessage("wait for " + response.headers["retry-after"] + "s due to rate limits...")
                        let timeToWait = parseInt(response.headers["retry-after"]) * 1000
                        sleep(timeToWait); // wait for 5 seconds          
                        app.displayInfoMessage("continuing import")
                        success = false
                    if (responseData && success) {
                        let highlights = responseData.results
                        let highlightsTexts = [];
                        for (let highlight of highlights) {
                            let tags = highlight.tags
                            tags = => {
                                return "*#" + + "*"
                            const emojiRegex = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/;
                            let foundEmojis = ""
                            for (tag of tags) {
                                let match = tag.match(emojiRegex);
                                if (match) {
                                    foundEmojis = foundEmojis + match[0] + " "
                            let text = highlight.text
                            let highlightNote = highlight.note != "" ? " (" + highlight.note + ")" : ""
                            highlightsTexts.push("- " + foundEmojis + text + " " + tags.join(", ") + highlightNote)
                        highlightsTexts = highlightsTexts.reverse()
                        let sourceText = latestBook.source_url ? "\n- source: [" + latestBook.title + "](" + latestBook.source_url + ")" : ""
                        let documentNoteText = latestBook.document_note ? "\n\n## Note\n\n" + latestBook.document_note : ""
                        // create the text
                        if (latestBook.highlights_url) {
                            let content = `# ${latestBook.title}
    - author: [[${}]]${sourceText}
    ## Highlights (${highlights.length})
    > [Readwise Book Highlights](${latestBook.highlights_url})
                            let d = new Draft()
                            d.content = content
                            for(let tag of tagsToAdd){
                            // also add the document tags from readwise
                            for (tag of latestBook.tags) {
                if (success) {
                    curBookIndex = curBookIndex + 1
                    if (curBookIndex >= books.length) {
                        continueImport = false
        draftsToCreate = draftsToCreate.reverse()
        let lastDraft
        for (d of draftsToCreate) {
            lastDraft = d
        if (draftsToCreate.length == 0) {
            app.displayInfoMessage("no new highlights in readwise")
        } else {
            app.displaySuccessMessage("imported " + draftsToCreate.length + " new highlighted documents")
    function isBookAlreadyImported(searchText) {
        let foundDrafts = getDraftsContainsGivenText(searchText)
        if (foundDrafts.length > 0) {
            // highlights already imported
            // length should be 1, we can just open the draft now and display an alert
            return true
        } else {
            return false;
    function getDraftsContainsGivenText(searchText) {
        let foundDrafts = Draft.query(searchText, "all", [], [], "modified", false, false)
        return foundDrafts
    function sleep(milliseconds) {
        const date =;
        let currentDate = null;
        let notificationFactor = 1
        do {
            currentDate =;
            if (currentDate - date > (15000 * notificationFactor)) {
                const remainingSeconds = Math.round((milliseconds - (currentDate - date)) / 1000)
                app.displayInfoMessage(remainingSeconds + "s remaining")
                notificationFactor = notificationFactor + 1
        } while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
    function performPaginatedRequestToGivenReadwiseApiEndpoint(firstEndpoint) {
        let http = HTTP.create(); // create HTTP object
        let continueRequest = true
        let responseData = [];
        let currentPageRequest = firstEndpoint
        while (continueRequest) {
            let response = http.request({
                "url": currentPageRequest,
                "method": "GET",
                "headers": {
                    "Authorization": "Token " + credential.getValue("authtoken"),
            if (response.success) {
                let data = response.responseData
                responseData = responseData.concat(data.results);
                let nextPage =
                if (nextPage) {
                    currentPageRequest = nextPage
                } else {
                    continueRequest = false
                //            alert(nextPage + "\n" + data.count + "\n" + responseData.length)
            } else {
                alert("error:\n" + response.statusCode + "\n" + response.error)
        return responseData
    function getTagsFromTemplateTag(){
       let tagsStr = draft.processTemplate("[[tags_to_add]]")
       let tags = tagsStr.split(",")
       tags = => {return tag.trim()})
       return tags


  • After Success Nothing
    Notification Error
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.