Toggle bullet
Posted by @jsamlarose,
Last update
over 1 year ago
Toggles through bullet points
- + ↳ >
To render “↳” as a list bullet correctly, you’ll need an appropriately equipped syntax (
// See online documentation for examples // let [loc,lth] = editor.getSelectedLineRange() var lineText = editor.getTextInRange(loc,lth) var tab = "" var bulletRegex = /^\t*[-+>↳] /gm; var bullets = ["+", "↳", ">", "-"] var newText = "" //if (lineText.includes("- [ ]")){lth = lth-1} if (lineText.length <= 1) { newText = "+ \n" } else if (/^\t*#* /.test(lineText)) { newText = "\t" + "+ \n" loc = loc+lth lth = 0 } else { lineText = lineText.split("\n").filter((a) => a) // the filter prevents empty elements... for (let line of lineText){ var output = bullets.indexOf(line.trim().charAt(0)) + 1 if (line.startsWith("\t")){tab = "\t".repeat(((line.match(/\t/g) || []).length));} if (output > bullets.length-1){output=0} if (line.trim().startsWith("- [ ]")){ newText += line.replace("- [ ] ","+ ") + "\n" } else if (!line.trim().startsWith("-")&&!line.trim().startsWith("+")&&!line.trim().startsWith(">")&&!line.trim().startsWith("↳")){ newText += tab + "+ " + line.trim() + "\n" } else { newText += tab+line.replace(bulletRegex,bullets[output]+" ") + "\n" } } } lineText = newText // .slice(0, -1) editor.setTextInRange(loc,lth,lineText) lth = lineText.length if (((lineText.match(/\n/g) || []).length)>=2) { editor.setSelectedRange(loc,lth) } else { editor.setSelectedRange(loc+lth-1,0) } draft.update()
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