Generate Markdown of Drafts
Posted by jochi,
Last update
almost 2 years ago
Generate Markdown of Drafts – V 0.1
Create a new draft with metadata list of all the drafts in the selected workspace.
This action (created with the help of ChatGPT) generates a markdown list of all drafts in the selected workspace. It offers:
1. Display Options: “Card” or Table View
2. Sort Options: Modified (Descending or Ascending), Created (Descending or Ascending), or Alphabetically (A–Z)
3. Group Option: Group Flagged drafts at the top
4. Configurable Default Options: You can set your own default options for the category, output format, sort by, and group.
This was created entirely with ChatGPT
// CONFIGURATION: // Set your default options here. The following options are available: // category: ["Inbox", "Flagged", "Archived", "All"] // format: ["Card", "Table"] // sort: ["Modified (Descending)", "Modified (Ascending)", "Created (Descending)", "Created (Ascending)", "Alphabetical (A–Z)"] // group: true or false let defaultCategory = ["Inbox"]; let defaultFormat = ["Card"]; let defaultSort = ["Modified (Descending)"]; let defaultGroup = true; let defaultTitleLength = 100; // Define the function to handle prompts const createPrompt = () => { let prompt = Prompt.create(); prompt.title = "Generate List of Drafts in Workspace"; prompt.message = "Select category, the output format, and sorting options"; prompt.addSelect("category", "Drafts Category:", ["Inbox", "Flagged", "Archived", "All"], defaultCategory, false); prompt.addSelect("format", "Output Format:", ["Card", "Table"], defaultFormat, false); prompt.addSelect("sort", "Sort By:", ["Modified (Descending)", "Modified (Ascending)", "Created (Descending)", "Created (Ascending)", "Alphabetical (A–Z)"], defaultSort, false); prompt.addSwitch("group", "Group Flagged Drafts at Top", defaultGroup); prompt.addButton("Create"); return prompt; }; // Define the function to sort drafts const sortDrafts = (sort, drafts) => { return drafts.sort((a, b) => { let comparison; switch (sort) { case "Modified (Descending)": comparison = b.modifiedAt - a.modifiedAt; break; case "Modified (Ascending)": comparison = a.modifiedAt - b.modifiedAt; break; case "Created (Descending)": comparison = b.createdAt - a.createdAt; break; case "Created (Ascending)": comparison = a.createdAt - b.createdAt; break; case "Alphabetical (A–Z)": comparison = a.displayTitle.localeCompare(b.displayTitle); break; default: comparison = 0; } return comparison; }); }; // Define the function to group flagged drafts at top const groupFlagged = (group, drafts) => { if (group === "Yes") { return drafts.sort((a, b) => { return b.isFlagged - a.isFlagged; }); } return drafts; }; // Define the function to create content const createContent = (workspace, format, drafts, category, sort) => { let date = new Date(); let dateString = date.toLocaleDateString() + " " + date.toLocaleTimeString(); let content = "# " + + " Drafts\n"; content += "- **Generated:** " + dateString + "\n"; content += "- **Category:** " + category + "\n"; content += "- **Sort Order:** " + sort + "\n"; content += "- **Drafts:** " + drafts.length.toLocaleString() + "\n\n"; let tableHeader = ""; let tableSeparator = ""; if (format === "Table") { let sortArrow = sort.includes("Descending") ? " ↓" : " ↑"; tableHeader = "| | Title" + (sort.includes("Alphabetical") ? sortArrow : "") + " | Tags | Created" + (sort.includes("Created") ? sortArrow : "") + " | Modified" + (sort.includes("Modified") ? sortArrow : ""); if (category === "All") { tableHeader += " | Status"; } tableHeader += " |\n"; tableSeparator = "|---|---|---|---|---"; if (category === "All") { tableSeparator += "|---"; } tableSeparator += "|\n"; content += tableHeader + tableSeparator; } drafts.forEach((draft) => { const displayTitle = draft.displayTitle.slice(0, defaultTitleLength); // Truncate display title const flag = draft.isFlagged ? "🚩 " : ""; // Add flag emoji if draft is flagged const creationDate = draft.processTemplate("[[created]]"); const modificationDate = draft.processTemplate("[[modified]]"); const status = draft.isArchived ? "Archived" : "Inbox"; // Check if the draft is archived or in inbox const tags = draft.tags.length > 0 ? draft.tags.join(", ") : "*untagged*"; if (format === "Table") { // Add draft in Table format content += `| ${flag}| ${displayTitle} | ${tags} | ${creationDate} | ${modificationDate} | ${status} |\n`; } else { // Add draft in Card format content += `### ${flag}${displayTitle}\n> ${tags}\n- Created: ${creationDate}\n- Modified: ${modificationDate}\n- Status: ${status}\n\n`; } }); return content; }; // Define the function to create new draft const createNewDraft = (content) => { let newDraft = Draft.create(); newDraft.content = content; newDraft.addTag("to-print"); newDraft.update(); editor.load(newDraft); }; // Define the main function to create the metadata draft const createMetadataDraft = () => { let prompt = createPrompt();; if (prompt.buttonPressed !== "Create") { return; } let workspace = app.currentWorkspace; let category = prompt.fieldValues["category"][0]; let drafts = workspace.query(category.toLowerCase()); let sort = prompt.fieldValues["sort"][0]; let group = prompt.fieldValues["group"] ? "Yes" : "No"; let format = prompt.fieldValues["format"][0]; drafts = sortDrafts(sort, drafts); drafts = groupFlagged(group, drafts); let content = createContent(workspace, format, drafts, category, sort); createNewDraft(content); }; // Call the main function to create the metadata draft createMetadataDraft();
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.