Markdown Mail to Evernote
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
almost 2 years ago
Send draft to Evernote via Evernote’s email interface, as a HTML email, converting any Markdown in the draft to HTML to maintain formatting. The first line of the draft will be used as the note title, and the remaining text as note content.
If any tags are assigned in Drafts, they will be appended to the subject to be assigned in Evernote.
See Evernote’s docs for additional options available to route the note to a specific notebook, or assign custom tags.
The first time you run this action, you will be prompted to enter your unique Evernote email, which you can get from your account profile on the Evernote website.
let credential = Credential.create("Evernote Email", "Add your unique Evernote email address which can be obtained from your Evernote account profile in the Evernote app or website. This value will be saved.") credential.addTextField("email", "Evernote Email"); if (!credential.authorize()) { context.cancel() } // place email in tag for use later draft.setTemplateTag("email", credential.getValue("email")) // build hash tags to append to subject let tagString = tag => `#${tag}` ).join(" ") draft.setTemplateTag("email_tags", tagString)
toRecipients [[email]]
ccRecipients bccRecipients subjectTemplate [[display_title]] [[email_tags]]
bodyTemplate %%[[body]]%%
sendAsHTML true
sendInBackground true
After Success Default Notification Info Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.