
OpenAI: Translate Selection

Posted by agiletortoise, Last update 5 months ago


5 months ago

Default to new “gpt-4o” model

Translate the selected text using OpenAI text edits. The action will prompt to select a language for the translation.

For more information on using this action, visit our OpenAI integration guide


  • script

    // setup languages available in prompt
    const model = "gpt-4o"
    const targetLanguages = ["Spanish", "French", "German", "English"]
    let f = () => {
    	let p = new Prompt()
    	p.title = "Translate Selection"
    	p.message = "Select language for translation."
    	p.addSelect("lang", "Language", targetLanguages, [targetLanguages[0]])
    	if (! {
    		return false
    	const targetLanguage = p.fieldValues["lang"][0]
    	// get editor values
    	const [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange()
    	const selection = editor.getSelectedText()
    	// build prompt
    	const chatPrompt = `Translate the following text into ${targetLanguage}: "${selection}"`
    	// create OpenAI API object and use single response
    	// convenience function to send prompt
    	let ai = new OpenAI()
    	ai.model = model
    	let answer = ai.quickChatResponse(chatPrompt)
    	// if we got a reply, add it to the draft
    	if (answer && answer.length > 0) {
    		answer = answer.trim().replace(/^"+|"+$/g, '')
    		editor.setSelectedRange(st, answer.length)
    		return true
    	else {
    		return false
    if (!f()) {


  • After Success Default
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