
Publish to Foam

Posted by tiff, Last update almost 2 years ago

Create a note in Drafts for your local Foam VS Code workspace. Foam is an free, open source alternative to Roam Research and Obsidian. You can find more here:


  • script

    // adapted from
    // post to writing inbox in Foam digital garden
     * edit these lines to suit your preferences
    const inboxFolder = '';   // the folder in your Foam repo where notes are saved. MUST have trailing slash, except for root of repo use ''
    const requiredTags = ['inbox']; // all documents will have these added in addition to tags from the Drafts app
    const addLinkToInbox = true;    // true = created note will have link to [[index]], false = no link
    const addTimeStamp = false;      // true = add a note of capture date/time at foot of note
     * stop editing
    const credential = Credential.create("GitHub garden repo", "The repo name, and its credentials, hosting your Foam notes");
    credential.addTextField("username", "GitHub Username");
    credential.addTextField('repo', 'Repo name');
    credential.addPasswordField("key", "GitHub personal access token");
    credential.addTextField('author', 'Author');
    const githubKey = credential.getValue('key');
    const githubUser = credential.getValue('username');
    const repo = credential.getValue('repo');
    const author = credential.getValue('author');
    const http = HTTP.create(); // create HTTP object
    const base = '';
    const posttime = new Date();
    const title = draft.title;
    const txt = draft.processTemplate("[[line|3..]]");
    const mergedTags = [...draft.tags, ...requiredTags];
    const slugbase = title.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "-");
    const datestr = `${posttime.getFullYear()}-${pad(posttime.getMonth() + 1)}-${pad(posttime.getDate())}`;
    const timestr = `${pad(posttime.getHours())}:${pad(posttime.getMinutes())}:00`;
    const yr = `${posttime.getFullYear()}`;
    const pdOffset = posttime.getTimezoneOffset();
    const offsetChar = pdOffset >= 0 ? '-' : '+';
    var pdHours = Math.floor(pdOffset/60);
    pdHours = pdHours >= 0 ? pdHours : pdHours * -1;
    const tzString = `${offsetChar}${pad(pdHours)}:00`;
    const postdate = `${datestr}T${timestr}${tzString}`;
    const slug = `${slugbase}`
    const fn = `${slug}.md`;
    let preamble = `# ${title} \n\n`;
       preamble += `#${item} `;
    if (addLinkToInbox) {
        preamble += "\n\n[[inbox]]\n";
    preamble += "\n\n";
    var doc = `${preamble}${txt}`;
    if (addTimeStamp){
        doc += `\n\nCaptured: ${postdate}\n`
    const options = {
        url: `${githubUser}/${repo}/contents/${inboxFolder}${fn}`,
        method: 'PUT',
        data: {
            message: `Inbox from Drafts ${datestr}`,
            content: Base64.encode(doc)
        headers: {
            'Authorization': `token ${githubKey}`
    var response = http.request(options);
    if (response.success) {
        // yay
    } else {
    function pad(n) {
        let str = String(n);
        while (str.length < 2) {
            str = `0${str}`;
        return str;


  • After Success Default
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.