
open last Draft

Posted by FlohGro, Last update over 1 year ago

created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog

open last draft

This is a handy little action, that opens the last accessed Draft (before the currently loaded Draft).

best use is of course with a keyboard shortcut on the mac. By default it uses Shift+Option+Control+Command+L or Hyper Key + L

I enjoy using it with the Logitec MX mouse where I assigend this hotkey to the “back button” on the side

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  • script

    // open last draft
    let recentDraftsArray = Draft.query('', 'all', [], [], 'accessed', true, false)


  • After Success Nothing
    Notification None
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.