Unicode Fractions
Posted by garbonsai,
Last update
about 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
- Edited description
Converts fractions to their unicode equivalents. I haven’t done a lot of testing against edge cases, but so far, so good.
// do the actual replacing function replacer( match, cg1, cg2 ) { return cg1.concat( fractions[ cg2 ] ); } // regexp to match fractions that have unicode equivalents const needle = new RegExp( /(^| |\t)((0\/3)|(1\/([2-9]|10))|(2\/[3,5])|(3\/[4,5,8])|(4\/5)|(5\/[6,8])|(7\/8))(?![0-9])/, 'gim' ); // associative array of unicode fractions const fractions = { '0/3': '↉', '1/2': '½', '1/3': '⅓', '1/4': '¼', '1/5': '⅕', '1/6': '⅙', '1/7': '⅐', '1/8': '⅛', '1/9': '⅑', '1/10': '⅒', '2/3': '⅔', '2/5': '⅖', '3/4': '¾', '3/5': '⅗', '3/8': '⅜', '4/5': '⅘', '5/6': '⅚', '5/8': '⅝', '7/8': '⅞' }; // replace fractions with their unicode equivalent editor.setText( editor.getText().replace( needle, replacer ) );
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