add tag from category
Posted by FlohGro,
Last update
over 2 years ago
created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog
add tag from category
add tags from configured categories to the current draft.
Configure the categories = prefixes for the tags at the beginning of the script to your preferences
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var categoryList = ["1 ", "2 ", "3 ", "4 ", "#", ":", "@"]; function allTags() { return [ Set([].concat(...Draft.query("", "all", []).map((currentDraft) => currentDraft.tags)))].sort(); } var addAnotherTag = true; function run() { categoryList.sort(); //if a new tag is created, remove spaces in the text (if "false", spaces are allowed) const removeSpacesInTags = true; var category; var p1 = Prompt.create(); p1.title = "select category"; p1.message = "draft: " + draft.displayTitle; for (var cat of categoryList) { p1.addButton(cat); } if ( { category = p1.buttonPressed; addAnotherTag = true; } else { addAnotherTag = false; } if (addAnotherTag == true) { var matchedTags = []; // get all tags into Set /*var tags = new Set(); var ws = Workspace.create(); var leftDrafts = ws.query("all"); while (leftDrafts.length > 0) { if (leftDrafts[0].tags != 0) { let thisDraftsTags = leftDrafts[0].tags; for (tag in thisDraftsTags) { tags.add(thisDraftsTags[tag]); } } leftDrafts.shift(); }*/ var tags = allTags(); for (tag of tags) { if (tag.startsWith(category)) { // only show tags not already assigned to the draft. if (!draft.tags.includes(tag)) { matchedTags.push(tag); } } } var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Select Tags"; p.message = "from category " + category; for (tag of matchedTags) { p.addButton(tag); } p.addButton("create new tag in category"); var con =; if (con) { var sel = p.buttonPressed; if (sel != "create new tag in category") { draft.addTag(sel); draft.update(); } else { var p3 = Prompt.create(); p3.title = "new tag"; p3.message = "new tag in category " + category; p3.addTextField("newTag", "create tag", ""); p3.addButton("create tag"); if ( { let setTag = p3.fieldValues["newTag"]; if (removeSpacesInTags & setTag.includes(' ')) { setTag = setTag.replace(/\s+/g, ''); } if (setTag.length != 0) { if (category != "#") { draft.addTag(category + setTag); } else { draft.addTag(category + setTag); } draft.update(); } else { alert("tag with length 0 can't be added to category!");"tag with length 0 can't be added to category!") } } else { context.cancel(); } } } else { context.cancel(); } } } while (addAnotherTag == true){ run(); } var p4 = Prompt.create(); p4.title = "what2do?"; p4.addButton("FLAG"); p4.addButton("FLAG & ARCHIVE"); p4.addButton("NOTHING"); p4.addButton("ARCHIVE"); if ( { var selection = p4.buttonPressed; if(selection == "FLAG"){ draft.isFlagged = true; draft.update(); } else if (selection == "FLAG & ARCHIVE"){ draft.isFlagged = true; draft.isArchived = true; draft.update(); } else if (selection == "NOTHING"){ } else if (selection == "ARCHIVE"){ draft.isArchived = true; draft.update(); } }
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