
Smart Detab

Posted by jochi, Last update about 1 year ago


about 1 year ago

Fixed bug that would replace selected line(s) with “undefined” if selected lines were not indented.

Removes a tab the beginning of each of the selected lines.

If it is a list (starts with a tab followed by a “-“, “*”, or “+” followed by a space), it will outdent and move the cursor to the end of the line.


  • script

    // list patterns
    const list_re = /^\t/gm;
    // grab state
    let [lnStart, lnLen] = editor.getSelectedLineRange();
    let lnText = editor.getTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen);
    let [selStart, selLen] = editor.getSelectedRange();
    let outdent_lines = (l) => {
        let lines;
        if (l.match(list_re)) {
            lines = l.replace(list_re, "");
        } else {
            lines = l;  // return the original string if no tab at the beginning
        return lines;
    let detabbed_text = outdent_lines(lnText);
    editor.setTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen, detabbed_text);
    editor.setSelectedRange(selStart + selLen -1, 0);


  • After Success Nothing
    Notification Error
    Log Level Error
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