Markdown Bold (**) [no selection]
Posted by @MyGeekDaddy,
Last update
over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
2022-10-07: Fixed formatting of action description.
Update to @agiletortoise original Markdown Bold (**) action. Actio will apply Markdown bold (**) around selection, or insert ** on both ends of an entire line if no selection is made.
// Apply Markdown bold to selection // OR // insert ** on both ends of a line if no selection is made // Original by @Agiletortoise // Update by @MyGeekDaddy // Rev Date: 2022-10-07 const markup = "**"; const sel = editor.getSelectedText(); const [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange(); const [start, end] = editor.getLineRange(); if (!sel || sel.length == 0) { var [lnStart, lnLen] = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); var lnText = editor.getTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen); // scrub the invisible newline character from the text selection lnText = lnText.replace(/\n$/, ""); lnLen = lnText.length editor.setTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen, markup + lnText+ markup); } else { editor.setSelectedText(markup + sel + markup); editor.setSelectedRange(st + len + (markup.length*2),0); }
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