Workspace Summary
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
over 2 years ago
Build and display a summary of workspace draft counts, including the number of inbox, flagged, and archived drafts in each workspace.
// build audit data about workspaces // var to hold data let summary = {}; function add(ws) { let inboxCt = ws.query("inbox").length; let archiveCt = ws.query("archive").length; let flaggedCt = ws.query("flagged").length; summary[] = [inboxCt, flaggedCt, archiveCt]; } // loop over workspaces adding counts let all = Workspace.getAll(); for (let ws of all) { add(ws); } // build html to display let html = []; html.push("<h2>Workspace Summary</h2>"); if (Object.keys(summary).length > 0) { html.push("<div style=\"margin:auto;text-align:center;\"><table style=\"margin:auto;\">"); html.push("<tr><th>Workspace</th><th>Inbox</th><th>Flagged</th><th>Archive</th></tr>"); for (let k of Object.keys(summary).sort()) { html.push(`<tr><td>${k}</td>`); let d = summary[k]; html.push(`<td style='text-align:right;'>${d[0]}</td>`); html.push(`<td style='text-align:right;'>${d[1]}</td>`); html.push(`<td style='text-align:right;'>${d[2]}</td></tr>`); } html.push("</table></div>"); } else { html.push("<p>No workspaces found</p>"); } draft.setTemplateTag("html", html.join("\n"));
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