

Posted by Lacsmith, Last update almost 3 years ago


almost 3 years ago

new ‘Should have been'1st paragraph of description:
“Listing of Versions to choose the option of resore/copy/do nothing on the active Draft. Quick/easy external keyboard shortcut device, change for your taste. Likely will be antiquated when native drafts 'Versions’ is more immediately accessible, but right now far fewer keystrokes in/out. ”

changes 2022-05-13
Count of chars, words, or lines is now an option,
Script lines 3-5 set defaults of number displayed, count, and if zeores are used as fillers.
Cancel option allowed on initial version list – if canceled final action options not shown.

show all updates...

almost 3 years ago

new ‘Should have been'1st paragraph of description:
“Listing of Versions to choose the option of resore/copy/do nothing on the active Draft. Quick/easy external keyboard shortcut device, change for your taste. Likely will be antiquated when native drafts 'Versions’ is more immediately accessible, but right now far fewer keystrokes in/out. ”

changes 2022-05-13
Count of chars, words, or lines is now an option,
Script lines 3-5 set defaults of number displayed, count, and if zeores are used as fillers.
Cancel option allowed on initial version list – if canceled final action options not shown.

almost 3 years ago

cleaned up this description, functional changes previoulsy noted.

almost 3 years ago

  1. Count of chars, words, or lines an option, default set in in first 3-4 lines of script.
  2. Cancel option allowed on initial version list – if canceled final action options not shown.

Versions (listing of->choose -> restore/copy/do notihng action on the active Draft. Quick/easy external keyboard shortcut device, change for your taste. Likely will be antiquated when native drafts “Versions” is more immediately accessible.

This is a quick javascript that shows the usual version list for THE ACTIVE DRAFT and options to restore/copy to clipboard, or both. Lines 3 and 4 of the script define two numbers may be customize (1. maximum number displayed, 2.format choice of listing (aligned by adding more zeroes, or very slightly out of left alignment).

The version list does not immediately update, but requires another draft to be loaded into editor, or exit/reload. (This is the same behavior as the system).

the bottom two functions are useful additions to a general js library. (I think).


  • script

    // draft versions of current draft 
    // next three lines can be set whatever you might want
    var maxDisp =  10; // maximum number of versions shown, change as desired
    var dispWhatLen = "char" ; //default 1st listing; options "characters","words","lines"
    var intStrLength = 4 ; // set = 0  zero to show no zeroes before the length
          // (use >0 for a minor display glitch on font formatting alignment in prompt)
    var tver = draft.versions, nv = '', t1=[], t1str="", t1Len=0, ch='', ch1='';
    let longestLine=0, endline = "wrds" ;maincycle = true;
    let numDisp = tver.length
    if (numDisp>maxDisp) {numDisp=maxDisp}
    while (maincycle) {
      for (let n = 0;n<numDisp;n++) {
        t1Len = tver[n].content.length;
        if (dispWhatLen.indexOf("ch")>-1) { 
            endLine = "chars";
        if (dispWhatLen.indexOf("w")>-1) { 
            t1Len = countWords(tver[n].content); 
            endLine = "wrds";
        if (dispWhatLen.indexOf("lin")>-1) { 
            t1Len = (tver[n].content.split('\n')).length; 
            endLine = "lines";
           // that count is approximate 
        t1Len = int2Str(t1Len,intStrLength); 
        //that set up all strings to be equal length (or, if intStrLength=0, not).
        t1str = n+ strftime(tver[n].createdAt,": %y-%m-%d %I:%M%p..") + t1Len+ endLine ;
        if (t1str.length>longestLine) {longestLine = t1str.length;} 
        } // end of (for (let n =..._
    // (longestLine as max line length for equaliztion, NOT CURRENTLY USED (wodl require monospaced font on the prompt?, or a bot fancier html?
    //for (let n = 0;n<t1.length;n++) {
    //    t1[n] = t1[n]+ " ".repeat(longestLine-t1[n].length ) + ")"; // (to get line lengths to equalize)
    //     }
         t1.push("Change count Char-Word-Line.")
         t1str = t1.toString();    
         ch = zBigButnMenu(t1str,',' ,"Which Version to use?",'', true);
         if ( (ch!=undefined)&&(ch.indexOf("Ch")==0) ) {
            ch1 = zBigButnMenu('characters,words,lines',","  ,"count what?",'', false); 
            if (ch1.includes("ch")) {dispWhatLen = "characters";}
            if (ch1.includes("w")) {dispWhatLen = "words";}
            if (ch1.includes("li")) {dispWhatLen = "lines";}
            t1 = [];
            } else { maincycle=false;}
          }  // end of while mainCycle
    nv = parseInt(ch);
    if ( (ch != undefined) && (nv!=NaN) ) {  // a version list number chosen
       ch = zBigButnMenu('restore/replace drft,copy->clpbrd,restore&copy,cancel/noAction', ","  ,"do what?",'', false);; 
       if (ch==undefined) {ch = "cancel";}
       if (ch.includes("copy")) { app.setClipboard(tver[nv].content);}
       if (ch.includes("rest")) { editor.setText(tver[nv].content);}
    // i.e., version[0] will list as last saved, not as current on-screen
    // <><><><><><><><>
    function zBigButnMenu(strOpts,spltr,strTitle,strMsg,canclTF){
    // <><><><><><><><>
    let qickarr=[],qickbtn=''; 
    if (canclTF==undefined) {canclTF = false};
     // default correction for string entry or no entry
    if ((typeof strOpts)=='string') {
       if (!(spltr)) {spltr = ",";}; // default
       } else { qickarr = strOpts;}
    qickbtn = Prompt.create();
    qickbtn.isCancellable = canclTF;
    if (strTitle) {qickbtn.title = strTitle};
    if (strMsg) {qickbtn.message = strMsg};
    for (let t of qickarr) {qickbtn.addButton(t)};;
    return qickbtn.buttonPressed;
    }; // end minibutton function        
    // <><><><><><><><>
    function int2Str(num,len) { //int->Charstring front-padded with "0"
    // good for searches, where search for "1targ" would also finds "11targ", "21targ", etc --> "01targ" instead
    // length of returned string (len) is optional, defaults to 2 (01, 02, etc. )
    if (len==0) {return num.toString();}
    if (len==undefined) {len=2;}
    let temp="";
    for (let n=0;n<len;n++) {temp = temp+'0';} // create '00000...'of length len
    temp = temp + num.toString();   //  '00000...'+num
    temp = temp.slice(-len);    // chop off ending str of length len
    return temp;
    // <><><><><><><><>
    function countWords(str) {
    // counts between spaces ignores long stretches of spaces, and only terminal linefeed?
        // s = str;
        str = str.split(/\s+/); // creating array elements between spaces
        return str.length;
    } // end countApprxWords


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