
Convert YAML to JSON

Posted by derekmartin_, Last update almost 3 years ago


almost 3 years ago

Adding my handle

Does what it says; sorely needed!


  • script

    (function(c) {
        typeof exports == "object" && typeof module != "undefined" ? module.exports = c() : typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define([], c) : (typeof window != "undefined" ? window : typeof global != "undefined" ? global : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : this).jsyaml = c()
    )(function() {
        return function c(p, T, l) {
            function e(r, o) {
                if (!T[r]) {
                    if (!p[r]) {
                        var u = typeof require == "function" && require;
                        if (!o && u)
                            return u(r, !0);
                        if (a)
                            return a(r, !0);
                        var h = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r + "'");
                        throw h.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND",
                    var x = T[r] = {
                        exports: {}
                    p[r][0].call(x.exports, function(v) {
                        return e(p[r][1][v] || v)
                    }, x, x.exports, c, p, T, l)
                return T[r].exports
            for (var a = typeof require == "function" && require, s = 0; s < l.length; s++)
            return e
            1: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("./js-yaml/loader")
                  , e = c("./js-yaml/dumper");
                function a(s) {
                    return function() {
                        throw new Error("Function " + s + " is deprecated and cannot be used.")
                p.exports.Type = c("./js-yaml/type"),
                p.exports.Schema = c("./js-yaml/schema"),
                p.exports.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"),
                p.exports.JSON_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/json"),
                p.exports.CORE_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/core"),
                p.exports.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"),
                p.exports.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"),
                p.exports.load = l.load,
                p.exports.loadAll = l.loadAll,
                p.exports.safeLoad = l.safeLoad,
                p.exports.safeLoadAll = l.safeLoadAll,
                p.exports.dump = e.dump,
                p.exports.safeDump = e.safeDump,
                p.exports.YAMLException = c("./js-yaml/exception"),
                p.exports.MINIMAL_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"),
                p.exports.SAFE_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"),
                p.exports.DEFAULT_SCHEMA = c("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"),
                p.exports.scan = a("scan"),
                p.exports.parse = a("parse"),
                p.exports.compose = a("compose"),
                p.exports.addConstructor = a("addConstructor")
            , {
                "./js-yaml/dumper": 3,
                "./js-yaml/exception": 4,
                "./js-yaml/loader": 5,
                "./js-yaml/schema": 7,
                "./js-yaml/schema/core": 8,
                "./js-yaml/schema/default_full": 9,
                "./js-yaml/schema/default_safe": 10,
                "./js-yaml/schema/failsafe": 11,
                "./js-yaml/schema/json": 12,
                "./js-yaml/type": 13
            2: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                function l(e) {
                    return e == null
                p.exports.isNothing = l,
                p.exports.isObject = function(e) {
                    return typeof e == "object" && e !== null
                p.exports.toArray = function(e) {
                    return Array.isArray(e) ? e : l(e) ? [] : [e]
                p.exports.repeat = function(e, a) {
                    var s, r = "";
                    for (s = 0; s < a; s += 1)
                        r += e;
                    return r
                p.exports.isNegativeZero = function(e) {
                    return e === 0 && Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / e
                p.exports.extend = function(e, a) {
                    var s, r, o, u;
                    if (a)
                        for (s = 0,
                        r = (u = Object.keys(a)).length; s < r; s += 1)
                            e[o = u[s]] = a[o];
                    return e
            , {}],
            3: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("./common")
                  , e = c("./exception")
                  , a = c("./schema/default_full")
                  , s = c("./schema/default_safe")
                  , r = Object.prototype.toString
                  , o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
                  , u = 9
                  , h = 10
                  , x = 32
                  , v = 33
                  , D = 34
                  , V = 35
                  , Z = 37
                  , X = 38
                  , St = 39
                  , It = 42
                  , ft = 44
                  , xt = 45
                  , dt = 58
                  , $ = 62
                  , tt = 63
                  , P = 64
                  , nt = 91
                  , ht = 93
                  , At = 96
                  , mt = 123
                  , ot = 124
                  , vt = 125
                  , bt = {
                    0: "\\0",
                    7: "\\a",
                    8: "\\b",
                    9: "\\t",
                    10: "\\n",
                    11: "\\v",
                    12: "\\f",
                    13: "\\r",
                    27: "\\e",
                    34: '\\"',
                    92: "\\\\",
                    133: "\\N",
                    160: "\\_",
                    8232: "\\L",
                    8233: "\\P"
                  , E = ["y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "on", "On", "ON", "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", "off", "Off", "OFF"];
                function et(i) {
                    var g, b, j;
                    if (g = i.toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                    i <= 255)
                        b = "x",
                        j = 2;
                    else if (i <= 65535)
                        b = "u",
                        j = 4;
                    else {
                        if (!(i <= 4294967295))
                            throw new e("code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF");
                        b = "U",
                        j = 8
                    return "\\" + b + l.repeat("0", j - g.length) + g
                function wt(i) {
                    this.schema = i.schema || a,
                    this.indent = Math.max(1, i.indent || 2),
                    this.noArrayIndent = i.noArrayIndent || !1,
                    this.skipInvalid = i.skipInvalid || !1,
                    this.flowLevel = l.isNothing(i.flowLevel) ? -1 : i.flowLevel,
                    this.styleMap = function(g, b) {
                        var j, U, S, N, A, w, B;
                        if (b === null)
                            return {};
                        for (j = {},
                        S = 0,
                        N = (U = Object.keys(b)).length; S < N; S += 1)
                            A = U[S],
                            w = String(b[A]),
                            A.slice(0, 2) === "!!" && (A = ",2002:" + A.slice(2)),
                            (B = g.compiledTypeMap.fallback[A]) &&, w) && (w = B.styleAliases[w]),
                            j[A] = w;
                        return j
                    }(this.schema, i.styles || null),
                    this.sortKeys = i.sortKeys || !1,
                    this.lineWidth = i.lineWidth || 80,
                    this.noRefs = i.noRefs || !1,
                    this.noCompatMode = i.noCompatMode || !1,
                    this.condenseFlow = i.condenseFlow || !1,
                    this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit,
                    this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit,
                    this.tag = null,
                    this.result = "",
                    this.duplicates = [],
                    this.usedDuplicates = null
                function z(i, g) {
                    for (var b, j = l.repeat(" ", g), U = 0, S = -1, N = "", A = i.length; U < A; )
                        U = (S = i.indexOf("\n", U)) === -1 ? (b = i.slice(U),
                        A) : (b = i.slice(U, S + 1),
                        S + 1),
                        b.length && b !== "\n" && (N += j),
                        N += b;
                    return N
                function ct(i, g) {
                    return "\n" + l.repeat(" ", i.indent * g)
                function it(i) {
                    return i === x || i === u
                function rt(i) {
                    return 32 <= i && i <= 126 || 161 <= i && i <= 55295 && i !== 8232 && i !== 8233 || 57344 <= i && i <= 65533 && i !== 65279 || 65536 <= i && i <= 1114111
                function H(i) {
                    return rt(i) && i !== 65279 && i !== ft && i !== nt && i !== ht && i !== mt && i !== vt && i !== dt && i !== V
                function at(i) {
                    return /^\n* /.test(i)
                var ut = 1
                  , gt = 2
                  , Ct = 3
                  , kt = 4
                  , J = 5;
                function Et(i, g, b, j, U) {
                    var S, N, A = !1, w = !1, B = j !== -1, R = -1, n = function(y) {
                        return rt(y) && y !== 65279 && !it(y) && y !== xt && y !== tt && y !== dt && y !== ft && y !== nt && y !== ht && y !== mt && y !== vt && y !== V && y !== X && y !== It && y !== v && y !== ot && y !== $ && y !== St && y !== D && y !== Z && y !== P && y !== At
                    }(i.charCodeAt(0)) && !it(i.charCodeAt(i.length - 1));
                    if (g)
                        for (S = 0; S < i.length; S++) {
                            if (!rt(N = i.charCodeAt(S)))
                                return J;
                            n = n && H(N)
                    else {
                        for (S = 0; S < i.length; S++) {
                            if ((N = i.charCodeAt(S)) === h)
                                A = !0,
                                B && (w = w || j < S - R - 1 && i[R + 1] !== " ",
                                R = S);
                            else if (!rt(N))
                                return J;
                            n = n && H(N)
                        w = w || B && j < S - R - 1 && i[R + 1] !== " "
                    return A || w ? 9 < b && at(i) ? J : w ? kt : Ct : n && !U(i) ? ut : gt
                function jt(i, g, b, j) {
                    i.dump = function() {
                        if (g.length === 0)
                            return "''";
                        if (!i.noCompatMode && E.indexOf(g) !== -1)
                            return "'" + g + "'";
                        var U = i.indent * Math.max(1, b)
                          , S = i.lineWidth === -1 ? -1 : Math.max(Math.min(i.lineWidth, 40), i.lineWidth - U)
                          , N = j || -1 < i.flowLevel && b >= i.flowLevel;
                        switch (Et(g, N, i.indent, S, function(A) {
                            return function(w, B) {
                                var R, n;
                                for (R = 0,
                                n = w.implicitTypes.length; R < n; R += 1)
                                    if (w.implicitTypes[R].resolve(B))
                                        return !0;
                                return !1
                            }(i, A)
                        })) {
                        case ut:
                            return g;
                        case gt:
                            return "'" + g.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
                        case Ct:
                            return "|" + lt(g, i.indent) + yt(z(g, U));
                        case kt:
                            return ">" + lt(g, i.indent) + yt(z(function(A, w) {
                                for (var B, R, n = /(\n+)([^\n]*)/g, y = function() {
                                    var C = A.indexOf("\n");
                                    return C = C !== -1 ? C : A.length,
                                    n.lastIndex = C,
                                    t(A.slice(0, C), w)
                                }(), M = A[0] === "\n" || A[0] === " "; R = n.exec(A); ) {
                                    var k = R[1]
                                      , _ = R[2];
                                    B = _[0] === " ",
                                    y += k + (M || B || _ === "" ? "" : "\n") + t(_, w),
                                    M = B
                                return y
                            }(g, S), U));
                        case J:
                            return '"' + function(A) {
                                for (var w, B, R, n = "", y = 0; y < A.length; y++)
                                    55296 <= (w = A.charCodeAt(y)) && w <= 56319 && 56320 <= (B = A.charCodeAt(y + 1)) && B <= 57343 ? (n += et(1024 * (w - 55296) + B - 56320 + 65536),
                                    y++) : (R = bt[w],
                                    n += !R && rt(w) ? A[y] : R || et(w));
                                return n
                            }(g) + '"';
                            throw new e("impossible error: invalid scalar style")
                function lt(i, g) {
                    var b = at(i) ? String(g) : ""
                      , j = i[i.length - 1] === "\n";
                    return b + (j && (i[i.length - 2] === "\n" || i === "\n") ? "+" : j ? "" : "-") + "\n"
                function yt(i) {
                    return i[i.length - 1] === "\n" ? i.slice(0, -1) : i
                function t(i, g) {
                    if (i === "" || i[0] === " ")
                        return i;
                    for (var b, j, U = / [^ ]/g, S = 0, N = 0, A = 0, w = ""; b = U.exec(i); )
                        g < (A = b.index) - S && (j = S < N ? N : A,
                        w += "\n" + i.slice(S, j),
                        S = j + 1),
                        N = A;
                    return w += "\n",
                    i.length - S > g && S < N ? w += i.slice(S, N) + "\n" + i.slice(N + 1) : w += i.slice(S),
                function f(i, g, b) {
                    var j, U, S, N, A, w;
                    for (S = 0,
                    N = (U = b ? i.explicitTypes : i.implicitTypes).length; S < N; S += 1)
                        if (((A = U[S]).instanceOf || A.predicate) && (!A.instanceOf || typeof g == "object" && g instanceof A.instanceOf) && (!A.predicate || A.predicate(g))) {
                            if (i.tag = b ? A.tag : "?",
                            A.represent) {
                                if (w = i.styleMap[A.tag] || A.defaultStyle,
                       === "[object Function]")
                                    j = A.represent(g, w);
                                else {
                                    if (!, w))
                                        throw new e("!<" + A.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + w + '" style');
                                    j = A.represent[w](g, w)
                                i.dump = j
                            return !0
                    return !1
                function d(i, g, b, j, U, S) {
                    i.tag = null,
                    i.dump = b,
                    f(i, b, !1) || f(i, b, !0);
                    var N =;
                    j && (j = i.flowLevel < 0 || i.flowLevel > g);
                    var A, w, B = N === "[object Object]" || N === "[object Array]";
                    if (B && (w = (A = i.duplicates.indexOf(b)) !== -1),
                    (i.tag !== null && i.tag !== "?" || w || i.indent !== 2 && 0 < g) && (U = !1),
                    w && i.usedDuplicates[A])
                        i.dump = "*ref_" + A;
                    else {
                        if (B && w && !i.usedDuplicates[A] && (i.usedDuplicates[A] = !0),
                        N === "[object Object]")
                            j && Object.keys(i.dump).length !== 0 ? (function(n, y, M, k) {
                                var _, C, q, O, W, Y, I = "", L = n.tag, K = Object.keys(M);
                                if (n.sortKeys === !0)
                                else if (typeof n.sortKeys == "function")
                                else if (n.sortKeys)
                                    throw new e("sortKeys must be a boolean or a function");
                                for (_ = 0,
                                C = K.length; _ < C; _ += 1)
                                    Y = "",
                                    k && _ === 0 || (Y += ct(n, y)),
                                    O = M[q = K[_]],
                                    d(n, y + 1, q, !0, !0, !0) && ((W = n.tag !== null && n.tag !== "?" || n.dump && 1024 < n.dump.length) && (n.dump && h === n.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? Y += "?" : Y += "? "),
                                    Y += n.dump,
                                    W && (Y += ct(n, y)),
                                    d(n, y + 1, O, !0, W) && (n.dump && h === n.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? Y += ":" : Y += ": ",
                                    I += Y += n.dump));
                                n.tag = L,
                                n.dump = I || "{}"
                            }(i, g, i.dump, U),
                            w && (i.dump = "&ref_" + A + i.dump)) : (function(n, y, M) {
                                var k, _, C, q, O, W = "", Y = n.tag, I = Object.keys(M);
                                for (k = 0,
                                _ = I.length; k < _; k += 1)
                                    O = n.condenseFlow ? '"' : "",
                                    k !== 0 && (O += ", "),
                                    q = M[C = I[k]],
                                    d(n, y, C, !1, !1) && (1024 < n.dump.length && (O += "? "),
                                    O += n.dump + (n.condenseFlow ? '"' : "") + ":" + (n.condenseFlow ? "" : " "),
                                    d(n, y, q, !1, !1) && (W += O += n.dump));
                                n.tag = Y,
                                n.dump = "{" + W + "}"
                            }(i, g, i.dump),
                            w && (i.dump = "&ref_" + A + " " + i.dump));
                        else if (N === "[object Array]") {
                            var R = i.noArrayIndent && 0 < g ? g - 1 : g;
                            j && i.dump.length !== 0 ? (function(n, y, M, k) {
                                var _, C, q = "", O = n.tag;
                                for (_ = 0,
                                C = M.length; _ < C; _ += 1)
                                    d(n, y + 1, M[_], !0, !0) && (k && _ === 0 || (q += ct(n, y)),
                                    n.dump && h === n.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? q += "-" : q += "- ",
                                    q += n.dump);
                                n.tag = O,
                                n.dump = q || "[]"
                            }(i, R, i.dump, U),
                            w && (i.dump = "&ref_" + A + i.dump)) : (function(n, y, M) {
                                var k, _, C = "", q = n.tag;
                                for (k = 0,
                                _ = M.length; k < _; k += 1)
                                    d(n, y, M[k], !1, !1) && (k !== 0 && (C += "," + (n.condenseFlow ? "" : " ")),
                                    C += n.dump);
                                n.tag = q,
                                n.dump = "[" + C + "]"
                            }(i, R, i.dump),
                            w && (i.dump = "&ref_" + A + " " + i.dump))
                        } else {
                            if (N !== "[object String]") {
                                if (i.skipInvalid)
                                    return !1;
                                throw new e("unacceptable kind of an object to dump " + N)
                            i.tag !== "?" && jt(i, i.dump, g, S)
                        i.tag !== null && i.tag !== "?" && (i.dump = "!<" + i.tag + "> " + i.dump)
                    return !0
                function F(i, g) {
                    var b, j, U = [], S = [];
                    for (function N(A, w, B) {
                        var R, n, y;
                        if (A !== null && typeof A == "object")
                            if ((n = w.indexOf(A)) !== -1)
                                B.indexOf(n) === -1 && B.push(n);
                            else if (w.push(A),
                                for (n = 0,
                                y = A.length; n < y; n += 1)
                                    N(A[n], w, B);
                                for (R = Object.keys(A),
                                n = 0,
                                y = R.length; n < y; n += 1)
                                    N(A[R[n]], w, B)
                    }(i, U, S),
                    b = 0,
                    j = S.length; b < j; b += 1)
                    g.usedDuplicates = new Array(j)
                function m(i, g) {
                    var b = new wt(g = g || {});
                    return b.noRefs || F(i, b),
                    d(b, 0, i, !0, !0) ? b.dump + "\n" : ""
                p.exports.dump = m,
                p.exports.safeDump = function(i, g) {
                    return m(i, l.extend({
                        schema: s
                    }, g))
            , {
                "./common": 2,
                "./exception": 4,
                "./schema/default_full": 9,
                "./schema/default_safe": 10
            4: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                function l(e, a) {
           = "YAMLException",
                    this.reason = e,
                    this.mark = a,
                    this.message = (this.reason || "(unknown reason)") + (this.mark ? " " + this.mark.toString() : ""),
                    Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = new Error().stack || ""
                ((l.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = l).prototype.toString = function(e) {
                    var a = + ": ";
                    return a += this.reason || "(unknown reason)",
                    !e && this.mark && (a += " " + this.mark.toString()),
                p.exports = l
            , {}],
            5: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("./common")
                  , e = c("./exception")
                  , a = c("./mark")
                  , s = c("./schema/default_safe")
                  , r = c("./schema/default_full")
                  , o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
                  , u = 1
                  , h = 2
                  , x = 3
                  , v = 4
                  , D = 1
                  , V = 2
                  , Z = 3
                  , X = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/
                  , St = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/
                  , It = /[,\[\]\{\}]/
                  , ft = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i
                  , xt = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;
                function dt(t) {
                function $(t) {
                    return t === 10 || t === 13
                function tt(t) {
                    return t === 9 || t === 32
                function P(t) {
                    return t === 9 || t === 32 || t === 10 || t === 13
                function nt(t) {
                    return t === 44 || t === 91 || t === 93 || t === 123 || t === 125
                function ht(t) {
                    return t === 48 ? "\0" : t === 97 ? "\x07" : t === 98 ? "\b" : t === 116 || t === 9 ? "	" : t === 110 ? "\n" : t === 118 ? "\v" : t === 102 ? "\f" : t === 114 ? "\r" : t === 101 ? "" : t === 32 ? " " : t === 34 ? '"' : t === 47 ? "/" : t === 92 ? "\\" : t === 78 ? "\x85" : t === 95 ? " " : t === 76 ? "\u2028" : t === 80 ? "\u2029" : ""
                for (var At = new Array(256), mt = new Array(256), ot = 0; ot < 256; ot++)
                    At[ot] = ht(ot) ? 1 : 0,
                    mt[ot] = ht(ot);
                function vt(t, f) {
                    this.input = t,
                    this.filename = f.filename || null,
                    this.schema = f.schema || r,
                    this.onWarning = f.onWarning || null,
                    this.legacy = f.legacy || !1,
                    this.json = f.json || !1,
                    this.listener = f.listener || null,
                    this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit,
                    this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap,
                    this.length = t.length,
                    this.position = 0,
                    this.line = 0,
                    this.lineStart = 0,
                    this.lineIndent = 0,
                    this.documents = []
                function bt(t, f) {
                    return new e(f,new a(t.filename,t.input,t.position,t.line,t.position - t.lineStart))
                function E(t, f) {
                    throw bt(t, f)
                function et(t, f) {
                    t.onWarning &&, bt(t, f))
                var wt = {
                    YAML: function(t, f, d) {
                        var F, m, i;
                        t.version !== null && E(t, "duplication of %YAML directive"),
                        d.length !== 1 && E(t, "YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"),
                        (F = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(d[0])) === null && E(t, "ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"),
                        m = parseInt(F[1], 10),
                        i = parseInt(F[2], 10),
                        m !== 1 && E(t, "unacceptable YAML version of the document"),
                        t.version = d[0],
                        t.checkLineBreaks = i < 2,
                        i !== 1 && i !== 2 && et(t, "unsupported YAML version of the document")
                    TAG: function(t, f, d) {
                        var F, m;
                        d.length !== 2 && E(t, "TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"),
                        F = d[0],
                        m = d[1],
                        ft.test(F) || E(t, "ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"),
              , F) && E(t, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + F + '" tag handle'),
                        xt.test(m) || E(t, "ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive"),
                        t.tagMap[F] = m
                function z(t, f, d, F) {
                    var m, i, g, b;
                    if (f < d) {
                        if (b = t.input.slice(f, d),
                            for (m = 0,
                            i = b.length; m < i; m += 1)
                                (g = b.charCodeAt(m)) === 9 || 32 <= g && g <= 1114111 || E(t, "expected valid JSON character");
                            X.test(b) && E(t, "the stream contains non-printable characters");
                        t.result += b
                function ct(t, f, d, F) {
                    var m, i, g, b;
                    for (l.isObject(d) || E(t, "cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"),
                    g = 0,
                    b = (m = Object.keys(d)).length; g < b; g += 1)
                        i = m[g],
              , i) || (f[i] = d[i],
                        F[i] = !0)
                function it(t, f, d, F, m, i, g, b) {
                    var j, U;
                    if (Array.isArray(m))
                        for (j = 0,
                        U = (m =; j < U; j += 1)
                            Array.isArray(m[j]) && E(t, "nested arrays are not supported inside keys"),
                            typeof m == "object" && dt(m[j]) === "[object Object]" && (m[j] = "[object Object]");
                    if (typeof m == "object" && dt(m) === "[object Object]" && (m = "[object Object]"),
                    m = String(m),
                    f === null && (f = {}),
                    F === ",2002:merge")
                        if (Array.isArray(i))
                            for (j = 0,
                            U = i.length; j < U; j += 1)
                                ct(t, f, i[j], d);
                            ct(t, f, i, d);
                        t.json ||, m) || !, m) || (t.line = g || t.line,
                        t.position = b || t.position,
                        E(t, "duplicated mapping key")),
                        f[m] = i,
                        delete d[m];
                    return f
                function rt(t) {
                    var f;
                    (f = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)) === 10 ? t.position++ : f === 13 ? (t.position++,
                    t.input.charCodeAt(t.position) === 10 && t.position++) : E(t, "a line break is expected"),
                    t.line += 1,
                    t.lineStart = t.position
                function H(t, f, d) {
                    for (var F = 0, m = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position); m !== 0; ) {
                        for (; tt(m); )
                            m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
                        if (f && m === 35)
                            for (; (m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) !== 10 && m !== 13 && m !== 0; )
                        if (!$(m))
                        for (rt(t),
                        m = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),
                        t.lineIndent = 0; m === 32; )
                            m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)
                    return d !== -1 && F !== 0 && t.lineIndent < d && et(t, "deficient indentation"),
                function at(t) {
                    var f, d = t.position;
                    return !((f = t.input.charCodeAt(d)) !== 45 && f !== 46 || f !== t.input.charCodeAt(d + 1) || f !== t.input.charCodeAt(d + 2) || (d += 3,
                    (f = t.input.charCodeAt(d)) !== 0 && !P(f)))
                function ut(t, f) {
                    f === 1 ? t.result += " " : 1 < f && (t.result += l.repeat("\n", f - 1))
                function gt(t, f) {
                    var d, F, m = t.tag, i = t.anchor, g = [], b = !1;
                    for (t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = g),
                    F = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position); F !== 0 && F === 45 && P(t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1)); )
                        if (b = !0,
                        H(t, !0, -1) && t.lineIndent <= f)
                            F = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);
                        else if (d = t.line,
                        J(t, f, x, !1, !0),
                        H(t, !0, -1),
                        F = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),
                        (t.line === d || t.lineIndent > f) && F !== 0)
                            E(t, "bad indentation of a sequence entry");
                        else if (t.lineIndent < f)
                    return !!b && (t.tag = m,
                    t.anchor = i,
                    t.kind = "sequence",
                    t.result = g,
                function Ct(t) {
                    var f, d, F, m, i = !1, g = !1;
                    if ((m = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)) !== 33)
                        return !1;
                    if (t.tag !== null && E(t, "duplication of a tag property"),
                    (m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) === 60 ? (i = !0,
                    m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) : m === 33 ? (g = !0,
                    d = "!!",
                    m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) : d = "!",
                    f = t.position,
                    i) {
                        for (; (m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) !== 0 && m !== 62; )
                        t.position < t.length ? (F = t.input.slice(f, t.position),
                        m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) : E(t, "unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag")
                    } else {
                        for (; m !== 0 && !P(m); )
                            m === 33 && (g ? E(t, "tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks") : (d = t.input.slice(f - 1, t.position + 1),
                            ft.test(d) || E(t, "named tag handle cannot contain such characters"),
                            g = !0,
                            f = t.position + 1)),
                            m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
                        F = t.input.slice(f, t.position),
                        It.test(F) && E(t, "tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters")
                    return F && !xt.test(F) && E(t, "tag name cannot contain such characters: " + F),
                    i ? t.tag = F :, d) ? t.tag = t.tagMap[d] + F : d === "!" ? t.tag = "!" + F : d === "!!" ? t.tag = ",2002:" + F : E(t, 'undeclared tag handle "' + d + '"'),
                function kt(t) {
                    var f, d;
                    if ((d = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)) !== 38)
                        return !1;
                    for (t.anchor !== null && E(t, "duplication of an anchor property"),
                    d = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),
                    f = t.position; d !== 0 && !P(d) && !nt(d); )
                        d = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
                    return t.position === f && E(t, "name of an anchor node must contain at least one character"),
                    t.anchor = t.input.slice(f, t.position),
                function J(t, f, d, F, m) {
                    var i, g, b, j, U, S, N, A, w = 1, B = !1, R = !1;
                    if (t.listener !== null && t.listener("open", t),
                    t.tag = null,
                    t.anchor = null,
                    t.kind = null,
                    t.result = null,
                    i = g = b = v === d || x === d,
                    F && H(t, !0, -1) && (B = !0,
                    t.lineIndent > f ? w = 1 : t.lineIndent === f ? w = 0 : t.lineIndent < f && (w = -1)),
                    w === 1)
                        for (; Ct(t) || kt(t); )
                            H(t, !0, -1) ? (B = !0,
                            b = i,
                            t.lineIndent > f ? w = 1 : t.lineIndent === f ? w = 0 : t.lineIndent < f && (w = -1)) : b = !1;
                    if (b && (b = B || m),
                    w !== 1 && v !== d || (N = u === d || h === d ? f : f + 1,
                    A = t.position - t.lineStart,
                    w === 1 ? b && (gt(t, A) || function(n, y, M) {
                        var k, _, C, q, O, W = n.tag, Y = n.anchor, I = {}, L = {}, K = null, Q = null, st = null, G = !1, pt = !1;
                        for (n.anchor !== null && (n.anchorMap[n.anchor] = I),
                        O = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position); O !== 0; ) {
                            if (k = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position + 1),
                            C = n.line,
                            q = n.position,
                            O !== 63 && O !== 58 || !P(k)) {
                                if (!J(n, M, h, !1, !0))
                                if (n.line === C) {
                                    for (O = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position); tt(O); )
                                        O = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position);
                                    if (O === 58)
                                        P(O = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)) || E(n, "a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"),
                                        G && (it(n, I, L, K, Q, null),
                                        K = Q = st = null),
                                        _ = G = !(pt = !0),
                                        K = n.tag,
                                        Q = n.result;
                                    else {
                                        if (!pt)
                                            return n.tag = W,
                                            n.anchor = Y,
                                        E(n, "can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed")
                                } else {
                                    if (!pt)
                                        return n.tag = W,
                                        n.anchor = Y,
                                    E(n, "can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key")
                            } else
                                O === 63 ? (G && (it(n, I, L, K, Q, null),
                                K = Q = st = null),
                                _ = G = pt = !0) : G ? _ = !(G = !1) : E(n, "incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line"),
                                n.position += 1,
                                O = k;
                            if ((n.line === C || n.lineIndent > y) && (J(n, y, v, !0, _) && (G ? Q = n.result : st = n.result),
                            G || (it(n, I, L, K, Q, st, C, q),
                            K = Q = st = null),
                            H(n, !0, -1),
                            O = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)),
                            n.lineIndent > y && O !== 0)
                                E(n, "bad indentation of a mapping entry");
                            else if (n.lineIndent < y)
                        return G && it(n, I, L, K, Q, null),
                        pt && (n.tag = W,
                        n.anchor = Y,
                        n.kind = "mapping",
                        n.result = I),
                    }(t, A, N)) || function(n, y) {
                        var M, k, _, C, q, O, W, Y, I, L, K = !0, Q = n.tag, st = n.anchor, G = {};
                        if ((L = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) === 91)
                            O = !(_ = 93),
                            k = [];
                        else {
                            if (L !== 123)
                                return !1;
                            _ = 125,
                            O = !0,
                            k = {}
                        for (n.anchor !== null && (n.anchorMap[n.anchor] = k),
                        L = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position); L !== 0; ) {
                            if (H(n, !0, y),
                            (L = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) === _)
                                return n.position++,
                                n.tag = Q,
                                n.anchor = st,
                                n.kind = O ? "mapping" : "sequence",
                                n.result = k,
                            K || E(n, "missed comma between flow collection entries"),
                            I = null,
                            C = q = !1,
                            L === 63 && P(n.input.charCodeAt(n.position + 1)) && (C = q = !0,
                            H(n, !0, y)),
                            M = n.line,
                            J(n, y, u, !1, !0),
                            Y = n.tag,
                            W = n.result,
                            H(n, !0, y),
                            L = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position),
                            !q && n.line !== M || L !== 58 || (C = !0,
                            L = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position),
                            H(n, !0, y),
                            J(n, y, u, !1, !0),
                            I = n.result),
                            O ? it(n, k, G, Y, W, I) : C ? k.push(it(n, null, G, Y, W, I)) : k.push(W),
                            H(n, !0, y),
                            (L = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) === 44 ? (K = !0,
                            L = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)) : K = !1
                        E(n, "unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection")
                    }(t, N) ? R = !0 : (g && function(n, y) {
                        var M, k, _, C, q, O = D, W = !1, Y = !1, I = y, L = 0, K = !1;
                        if ((C = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) === 124)
                            k = !1;
                        else {
                            if (C !== 62)
                                return !1;
                            k = !0
                        for (n.kind = "scalar",
                        n.result = ""; C !== 0; )
                            if ((C = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)) === 43 || C === 45)
                                D === O ? O = C === 43 ? Z : V : E(n, "repeat of a chomping mode identifier");
                            else {
                                if (!(0 <= (_ = 48 <= (q = C) && q <= 57 ? q - 48 : -1)))
                                _ == 0 ? E(n, "bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one") : Y ? E(n, "repeat of an indentation width identifier") : (I = y + _ - 1,
                                Y = !0)
                        if (tt(C)) {
                            for (; tt(C = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)); )
                            if (C === 35)
                                for (; !$(C = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)) && C !== 0; )
                        for (; C !== 0; ) {
                            for (rt(n),
                            n.lineIndent = 0,
                            C = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position); (!Y || n.lineIndent < I) && C === 32; )
                                C = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position);
                            if (!Y && n.lineIndent > I && (I = n.lineIndent),
                            else {
                                if (n.lineIndent < I) {
                                    O === Z ? n.result += l.repeat("\n", W ? 1 + L : L) : O === D && W && (n.result += "\n");
                                for (k ? tt(C) ? (K = !0,
                                n.result += l.repeat("\n", W ? 1 + L : L)) : K ? (K = !1,
                                n.result += l.repeat("\n", L + 1)) : L === 0 ? W && (n.result += " ") : n.result += l.repeat("\n", L) : n.result += l.repeat("\n", W ? 1 + L : L),
                                Y = W = !0,
                                L = 0,
                                M = n.position; !$(C) && C !== 0; )
                                    C = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position);
                                z(n, M, n.position, !1)
                        return !0
                    }(t, N) || function(n, y) {
                        var M, k, _;
                        if ((M = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) !== 39)
                            return !1;
                        for (n.kind = "scalar",
                        n.result = "",
                        k = _ = n.position; (M = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) !== 0; )
                            if (M === 39) {
                                if (z(n, k, n.position, !0),
                                (M = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)) !== 39)
                                    return !0;
                                k = n.position,
                                _ = n.position
                            } else
                                $(M) ? (z(n, k, _, !0),
                                ut(n, H(n, !1, y)),
                                k = _ = n.position) : n.position === n.lineStart && at(n) ? E(n, "unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar") : (n.position++,
                                _ = n.position);
                        E(n, "unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar")
                    }(t, N) || function(n, y) {
                        var M, k, _, C, q, O, W, Y, I, L;
                        if ((O = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) !== 34)
                            return !1;
                        for (n.kind = "scalar",
                        n.result = "",
                        M = k = n.position; (O = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) !== 0; ) {
                            if (O === 34)
                                return z(n, M, n.position, !0),
                            if (O === 92) {
                                if (z(n, M, n.position, !0),
                                $(O = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)))
                                    H(n, !1, y);
                                else if (O < 256 && At[O])
                                    n.result += mt[O],
                                else if (0 < (q = (L = O) === 120 ? 2 : L === 117 ? 4 : L === 85 ? 8 : 0)) {
                                    for (_ = q,
                                    C = 0; 0 < _; _--)
                                        O = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position),
                                        I = void 0,
                                        0 <= (q = 48 <= (Y = O) && Y <= 57 ? Y - 48 : 97 <= (I = 32 | Y) && I <= 102 ? I - 97 + 10 : -1) ? C = (C << 4) + q : E(n, "expected hexadecimal character");
                                    n.result += (W = C) <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(W) : String.fromCharCode(55296 + (W - 65536 >> 10), 56320 + (W - 65536 & 1023)),
                                } else
                                    E(n, "unknown escape sequence");
                                M = k = n.position
                            } else
                                $(O) ? (z(n, M, k, !0),
                                ut(n, H(n, !1, y)),
                                M = k = n.position) : n.position === n.lineStart && at(n) ? E(n, "unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar") : (n.position++,
                                k = n.position)
                        E(n, "unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar")
                    }(t, N) ? R = !0 : function(n) {
                        var y, M, k;
                        if ((k = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) !== 42)
                            return !1;
                        for (k = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position),
                        y = n.position; k !== 0 && !P(k) && !nt(k); )
                            k = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position);
                        return n.position === y && E(n, "name of an alias node must contain at least one character"),
                        M = n.input.slice(y, n.position),
                        n.anchorMap.hasOwnProperty(M) || E(n, 'unidentified alias "' + M + '"'),
                        n.result = n.anchorMap[M],
                        H(n, !0, -1),
                    }(t) ? (R = !0,
                    t.tag === null && t.anchor === null || E(t, "alias node should not have any properties")) : function(n, y, M) {
                        var k, _, C, q, O, W, Y, I, L = n.kind, K = n.result;
                        if (P(I = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position)) || nt(I) || I === 35 || I === 38 || I === 42 || I === 33 || I === 124 || I === 62 || I === 39 || I === 34 || I === 37 || I === 64 || I === 96 || (I === 63 || I === 45) && (P(k = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position + 1)) || M && nt(k)))
                            return !1;
                        for (n.kind = "scalar",
                        n.result = "",
                        _ = C = n.position,
                        q = !1; I !== 0; ) {
                            if (I === 58) {
                                if (P(k = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position + 1)) || M && nt(k))
                            } else if (I === 35) {
                                if (P(n.input.charCodeAt(n.position - 1)))
                            } else {
                                if (n.position === n.lineStart && at(n) || M && nt(I))
                                if ($(I)) {
                                    if (O = n.line,
                                    W = n.lineStart,
                                    Y = n.lineIndent,
                                    H(n, !1, -1),
                                    n.lineIndent >= y) {
                                        q = !0,
                                        I = n.input.charCodeAt(n.position);
                                    n.position = C,
                                    n.line = O,
                                    n.lineStart = W,
                                    n.lineIndent = Y;
                            q && (z(n, _, C, !1),
                            ut(n, n.line - O),
                            _ = C = n.position,
                            q = !1),
                            tt(I) || (C = n.position + 1),
                            I = n.input.charCodeAt(++n.position)
                        return z(n, _, C, !1),
                        !!n.result || (n.kind = L,
                        n.result = K,
                    }(t, N, u === d) && (R = !0,
                    t.tag === null && (t.tag = "?")),
                    t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = t.result)) : w === 0 && (R = b && gt(t, A))),
                    t.tag !== null && t.tag !== "!")
                        if (t.tag === "?") {
                            for (j = 0,
                            U = t.implicitTypes.length; j < U; j += 1)
                                if ((S = t.implicitTypes[j]).resolve(t.result)) {
                                    t.result = S.construct(t.result),
                                    t.tag = S.tag,
                                    t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = t.result);
                        } else
                  [t.kind || "fallback"], t.tag) ? (S = t.typeMap[t.kind || "fallback"][t.tag],
                            t.result !== null && S.kind !== t.kind && E(t, "unacceptable node kind for !<" + t.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + S.kind + '", not "' + t.kind + '"'),
                            S.resolve(t.result) ? (t.result = S.construct(t.result),
                            t.anchor !== null && (t.anchorMap[t.anchor] = t.result)) : E(t, "cannot resolve a node with !<" + t.tag + "> explicit tag")) : E(t, "unknown tag !<" + t.tag + ">");
                    return t.listener !== null && t.listener("close", t),
                    t.tag !== null || t.anchor !== null || R
                function Et(t) {
                    var f, d, F, m, i = t.position, g = !1;
                    for (t.version = null,
                    t.checkLineBreaks = t.legacy,
                    t.tagMap = {},
                    t.anchorMap = {}; (m = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)) !== 0 && (H(t, !0, -1),
                    m = t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),
                    !(0 < t.lineIndent || m !== 37)); ) {
                        for (g = !0,
                        m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),
                        f = t.position; m !== 0 && !P(m); )
                            m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
                        for (F = [],
                        (d = t.input.slice(f, t.position)).length < 1 && E(t, "directive name must not be less than one character in length"); m !== 0; ) {
                            for (; tt(m); )
                                m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
                            if (m === 35) {
                                for (; (m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)) !== 0 && !$(m); )
                            if ($(m))
                            for (f = t.position; m !== 0 && !P(m); )
                                m = t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);
                            F.push(t.input.slice(f, t.position))
                        m !== 0 && rt(t),
              , d) ? wt[d](t, d, F) : et(t, 'unknown document directive "' + d + '"')
                    H(t, !0, -1),
                    t.lineIndent === 0 && t.input.charCodeAt(t.position) === 45 && t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 1) === 45 && t.input.charCodeAt(t.position + 2) === 45 ? (t.position += 3,
                    H(t, !0, -1)) : g && E(t, "directives end mark is expected"),
                    J(t, t.lineIndent - 1, v, !1, !0),
                    H(t, !0, -1),
                    t.checkLineBreaks && St.test(t.input.slice(i, t.position)) && et(t, "non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"),
                    t.position === t.lineStart && at(t) ? t.input.charCodeAt(t.position) === 46 && (t.position += 3,
                    H(t, !0, -1)) : t.position < t.length - 1 && E(t, "end of the stream or a document separator is expected")
                function jt(t, f) {
                    f = f || {},
                    (t = String(t)).length !== 0 && (t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) !== 10 && t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) !== 13 && (t += "\n"),
                    t.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && (t = t.slice(1)));
                    var d = new vt(t,f);
                    for (d.input += "\0"; d.input.charCodeAt(d.position) === 32; )
                        d.lineIndent += 1,
                        d.position += 1;
                    for (; d.position < d.length - 1; )
                    return d.documents
                function lt(t, f, d) {
                    var F, m, i = jt(t, d);
                    if (typeof f != "function")
                        return i;
                    for (F = 0,
                    m = i.length; F < m; F += 1)
                function yt(t, f) {
                    var d = jt(t, f);
                    if (d.length !== 0) {
                        if (d.length === 1)
                            return d[0];
                        throw new e("expected a single document in the stream, but found more")
                p.exports.loadAll = lt,
                p.exports.load = yt,
                p.exports.safeLoadAll = function(t, f, d) {
                    if (typeof f != "function")
                        return lt(t, l.extend({
                            schema: s
                        }, d));
                    lt(t, f, l.extend({
                        schema: s
                    }, d))
                p.exports.safeLoad = function(t, f) {
                    return yt(t, l.extend({
                        schema: s
                    }, f))
            , {
                "./common": 2,
                "./exception": 4,
                "./mark": 6,
                "./schema/default_full": 9,
                "./schema/default_safe": 10
            6: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("./common");
                function e(a, s, r, o, u) {
           = a,
                    this.buffer = s,
                    this.position = r,
                    this.line = o,
                    this.column = u
                e.prototype.getSnippet = function(a, s) {
                    var r, o, u, h, x;
                    if (!this.buffer)
                        return null;
                    for (a = a || 4,
                    s = s || 75,
                    r = "",
                    o = this.position; 0 < o && "\0\r\n\x85\u2028\u2029".indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(o - 1)) === -1; )
                        if (o -= 1,
                        this.position - o > s / 2 - 1) {
                            r = " ... ",
                            o += 5;
                    for (u = "",
                    h = this.position; h < this.buffer.length && "\0\r\n\x85\u2028\u2029".indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(h)) === -1; )
                        if ((h += 1) - this.position > s / 2 - 1) {
                            u = " ... ",
                            h -= 5;
                    return x = this.buffer.slice(o, h),
                    l.repeat(" ", a) + r + x + u + "\n" + l.repeat(" ", a + this.position - o + r.length) + "^"
                e.prototype.toString = function(a) {
                    var s, r = "";
                    return && (r += 'in "' + + '" '),
                    r += "at line " + (this.line + 1) + ", column " + (this.column + 1),
                    a || (s = this.getSnippet()) && (r += ":\n" + s),
                p.exports = e
            , {
                "./common": 2
            7: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("./common")
                  , e = c("./exception")
                  , a = c("./type");
                function s(o, u, h) {
                    var x = [];
                    return o.include.forEach(function(v) {
                        h = s(v, u, h)
                    o[u].forEach(function(v) {
                        h.forEach(function(D, V) {
                            D.tag === v.tag && D.kind === v.kind && x.push(V)
                    h.filter(function(v, D) {
                        return x.indexOf(D) === -1
                function r(o) {
                    this.include = o.include || [],
                    this.implicit = o.implicit || [],
                    this.explicit = o.explicit || [],
                    this.implicit.forEach(function(u) {
                        if (u.loadKind && u.loadKind !== "scalar")
                            throw new e("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.")
                    this.compiledImplicit = s(this, "implicit", []),
                    this.compiledExplicit = s(this, "explicit", []),
                    this.compiledTypeMap = function() {
                        var u, h, x = {
                            scalar: {},
                            sequence: {},
                            mapping: {},
                            fallback: {}
                        function v(D) {
                            x[D.kind][D.tag] = x.fallback[D.tag] = D
                        for (u = 0,
                        h = arguments.length; u < h; u += 1)
                        return x
                    }(this.compiledImplicit, this.compiledExplicit)
                r.DEFAULT = null,
                r.create = function() {
                    var o, u;
                    switch (arguments.length) {
                    case 1:
                        o = r.DEFAULT,
                        u = arguments[0];
                    case 2:
                        o = arguments[0],
                        u = arguments[1];
                        throw new e("Wrong number of arguments for Schema.create function")
                    if (o = l.toArray(o),
                    u = l.toArray(u),
                    !o.every(function(h) {
                        return h instanceof r
                        throw new e("Specified list of super schemas (or a single Schema object) contains a non-Schema object.");
                    if (!u.every(function(h) {
                        return h instanceof a
                        throw new e("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");
                    return new r({
                        include: o,
                        explicit: u
                p.exports = r
            , {
                "./common": 2,
                "./exception": 4,
                "./type": 13
            8: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../schema");
                p.exports = new l({
                    include: [c("./json")]
            , {
                "../schema": 7,
                "./json": 12
            9: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../schema");
                p.exports = l.DEFAULT = new l({
                    include: [c("./default_safe")],
                    explicit: [c("../type/js/undefined"), c("../type/js/regexp"), c("../type/js/function")]
            , {
                "../schema": 7,
                "../type/js/function": 18,
                "../type/js/regexp": 19,
                "../type/js/undefined": 20,
                "./default_safe": 10
            10: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../schema");
                p.exports = new l({
                    include: [c("./core")],
                    implicit: [c("../type/timestamp"), c("../type/merge")],
                    explicit: [c("../type/binary"), c("../type/omap"), c("../type/pairs"), c("../type/set")]
            , {
                "../schema": 7,
                "../type/binary": 14,
                "../type/merge": 22,
                "../type/omap": 24,
                "../type/pairs": 25,
                "../type/set": 27,
                "../type/timestamp": 29,
                "./core": 8
            11: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../schema");
                p.exports = new l({
                    explicit: [c("../type/str"), c("../type/seq"), c("../type/map")]
            , {
                "../schema": 7,
                "../type/map": 21,
                "../type/seq": 26,
                "../type/str": 28
            12: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../schema");
                p.exports = new l({
                    include: [c("./failsafe")],
                    implicit: [c("../type/null"), c("../type/bool"), c("../type/int"), c("../type/float")]
            , {
                "../schema": 7,
                "../type/bool": 15,
                "../type/float": 16,
                "../type/int": 17,
                "../type/null": 23,
                "./failsafe": 11
            13: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("./exception")
                  , e = ["kind", "resolve", "construct", "instanceOf", "predicate", "represent", "defaultStyle", "styleAliases"]
                  , a = ["scalar", "sequence", "mapping"];
                p.exports = function(s, r) {
                    if (r = r || {},
                    Object.keys(r).forEach(function(o) {
                        if (e.indexOf(o) === -1)
                            throw new l('Unknown option "' + o + '" is met in definition of "' + s + '" YAML type.')
                    this.tag = s,
                    this.kind = r.kind || null,
                    this.resolve = r.resolve || function() {
                        return !0
                    this.construct = r.construct || function(o) {
                        return o
                    this.instanceOf = r.instanceOf || null,
                    this.predicate = r.predicate || null,
                    this.represent = r.represent || null,
                    this.defaultStyle = r.defaultStyle || null,
                    this.styleAliases = function(o) {
                        var u = {};
                        return o !== null && Object.keys(o).forEach(function(h) {
                            o[h].forEach(function(x) {
                                u[String(x)] = h
                    }(r.styleAliases || null),
                    a.indexOf(this.kind) === -1)
                        throw new l('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + s + '" YAML type.')
            , {
                "./exception": 4
            14: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l;
                try {
                    l = c("buffer").Buffer
                } catch (s) {}
                var e = c("../type")
                  , a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r";
                p.exports = new e(",2002:binary",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(s) {
                        if (s === null)
                            return !1;
                        var r, o, u = 0, h = s.length, x = a;
                        for (o = 0; o < h; o++)
                            if (!(64 < (r = x.indexOf(s.charAt(o))))) {
                                if (r < 0)
                                    return !1;
                                u += 6
                        return u % 8 == 0
                    construct: function(s) {
                        var r, o, u = s.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ""), h = u.length, x = a, v = 0, D = [];
                        for (r = 0; r < h; r++)
                            r % 4 == 0 && r && (D.push(v >> 16 & 255),
                            D.push(v >> 8 & 255),
                            D.push(255 & v)),
                            v = v << 6 | x.indexOf(u.charAt(r));
                        return (o = h % 4 * 6) == 0 ? (D.push(v >> 16 & 255),
                        D.push(v >> 8 & 255),
                        D.push(255 & v)) : o == 18 ? (D.push(v >> 10 & 255),
                        D.push(v >> 2 & 255)) : o == 12 && D.push(v >> 4 & 255),
                        l ? l.from ? l.from(D) : new l(D) : D
                    predicate: function(s) {
                        return l && l.isBuffer(s)
                    represent: function(s) {
                        var r, o, u = "", h = 0, x = s.length, v = a;
                        for (r = 0; r < x; r++)
                            r % 3 == 0 && r && (u += v[h >> 18 & 63],
                            u += v[h >> 12 & 63],
                            u += v[h >> 6 & 63],
                            u += v[63 & h]),
                            h = (h << 8) + s[r];
                        return (o = x % 3) == 0 ? (u += v[h >> 18 & 63],
                        u += v[h >> 12 & 63],
                        u += v[h >> 6 & 63],
                        u += v[63 & h]) : o == 2 ? (u += v[h >> 10 & 63],
                        u += v[h >> 4 & 63],
                        u += v[h << 2 & 63],
                        u += v[64]) : o == 1 && (u += v[h >> 2 & 63],
                        u += v[h << 4 & 63],
                        u += v[64],
                        u += v[64]),
            , {
                "../type": 13
            15: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:bool",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(e) {
                        if (e === null)
                            return !1;
                        var a = e.length;
                        return a === 4 && (e === "true" || e === "True" || e === "TRUE") || a === 5 && (e === "false" || e === "False" || e === "FALSE")
                    construct: function(e) {
                        return e === "true" || e === "True" || e === "TRUE"
                    predicate: function(e) {
                        return === "[object Boolean]"
                    represent: {
                        lowercase: function(e) {
                            return e ? "true" : "false"
                        uppercase: function(e) {
                            return e ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"
                        camelcase: function(e) {
                            return e ? "True" : "False"
                    defaultStyle: "lowercase"
            , {
                "../type": 13
            16: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../common")
                  , e = c("../type")
                  , a = new RegExp("^(?:[-+]?(?:0|[1-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\\.[0-9_]*|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$")
                  , s = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;
                p.exports = new e(",2002:float",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(r) {
                        return r !== null && !(!a.test(r) || r[r.length - 1] === "_")
                    construct: function(r) {
                        var o, u, h, x;
                        return u = (o = r.replace(/_/g, "").toLowerCase())[0] === "-" ? -1 : 1,
                        x = [],
                        0 <= "+-".indexOf(o[0]) && (o = o.slice(1)),
                        o === ".inf" ? u == 1 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : o === ".nan" ? NaN : 0 <= o.indexOf(":") ? (o.split(":").forEach(function(v) {
                            x.unshift(parseFloat(v, 10))
                        o = 0,
                        h = 1,
                        x.forEach(function(v) {
                            o += v * h,
                            h *= 60
                        u * o) : u * parseFloat(o, 10)
                    predicate: function(r) {
                        return === "[object Number]" && (r % 1 != 0 || l.isNegativeZero(r))
                    represent: function(r, o) {
                        var u;
                        if (isNaN(r))
                            switch (o) {
                            case "lowercase":
                                return ".nan";
                            case "uppercase":
                                return ".NAN";
                            case "camelcase":
                                return ".NaN"
                        else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === r)
                            switch (o) {
                            case "lowercase":
                                return ".inf";
                            case "uppercase":
                                return ".INF";
                            case "camelcase":
                                return ".Inf"
                        else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === r)
                            switch (o) {
                            case "lowercase":
                                return "-.inf";
                            case "uppercase":
                                return "-.INF";
                            case "camelcase":
                                return "-.Inf"
                        else if (l.isNegativeZero(r))
                            return "-0.0";
                        return u = r.toString(10),
                        s.test(u) ? u.replace("e", ".e") : u
                    defaultStyle: "lowercase"
            , {
                "../common": 2,
                "../type": 13
            17: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../common")
                  , e = c("../type");
                p.exports = new e(",2002:int",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(a) {
                        if (a === null)
                            return !1;
                        var s, r, o, u, h = a.length, x = 0, v = !1;
                        if (!h)
                            return !1;
                        if ((s = a[x]) !== "-" && s !== "+" || (s = a[++x]),
                        s === "0") {
                            if (x + 1 === h)
                                return !0;
                            if ((s = a[++x]) === "b") {
                                for (x++; x < h; x++)
                                    if ((s = a[x]) !== "_") {
                                        if (s !== "0" && s !== "1")
                                            return !1;
                                        v = !0
                                return v && s !== "_"
                            if (s === "x") {
                                for (x++; x < h; x++)
                                    if ((s = a[x]) !== "_") {
                                        if (!(48 <= (o = a.charCodeAt(x)) && o <= 57 || 65 <= o && o <= 70 || 97 <= o && o <= 102))
                                            return !1;
                                        v = !0
                                return v && s !== "_"
                            for (; x < h; x++)
                                if ((s = a[x]) !== "_") {
                                    if (!(48 <= (r = a.charCodeAt(x)) && r <= 55))
                                        return !1;
                                    v = !0
                            return v && s !== "_"
                        if (s === "_")
                            return !1;
                        for (; x < h; x++)
                            if ((s = a[x]) !== "_") {
                                if (s === ":")
                                if (!(48 <= (u = a.charCodeAt(x)) && u <= 57))
                                    return !1;
                                v = !0
                        return !(!v || s === "_") && (s !== ":" || /^(:[0-5]?[0-9])+$/.test(a.slice(x)))
                    construct: function(a) {
                        var s, r, o = a, u = 1, h = [];
                        return o.indexOf("_") !== -1 && (o = o.replace(/_/g, "")),
                        (s = o[0]) !== "-" && s !== "+" || (s === "-" && (u = -1),
                        s = (o = o.slice(1))[0]),
                        o === "0" ? 0 : s === "0" ? o[1] === "b" ? u * parseInt(o.slice(2), 2) : o[1] === "x" ? u * parseInt(o, 16) : u * parseInt(o, 8) : o.indexOf(":") !== -1 ? (o.split(":").forEach(function(x) {
                            h.unshift(parseInt(x, 10))
                        o = 0,
                        r = 1,
                        h.forEach(function(x) {
                            o += x * r,
                            r *= 60
                        u * o) : u * parseInt(o, 10)
                    predicate: function(a) {
                        return === "[object Number]" && a % 1 == 0 && !l.isNegativeZero(a)
                    represent: {
                        binary: function(a) {
                            return 0 <= a ? "0b" + a.toString(2) : "-0b" + a.toString(2).slice(1)
                        octal: function(a) {
                            return 0 <= a ? "0" + a.toString(8) : "-0" + a.toString(8).slice(1)
                        decimal: function(a) {
                            return a.toString(10)
                        hexadecimal: function(a) {
                            return 0 <= a ? "0x" + a.toString(16).toUpperCase() : "-0x" + a.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1)
                    defaultStyle: "decimal",
                    styleAliases: {
                        binary: [2, "bin"],
                        octal: [8, "oct"],
                        decimal: [10, "dec"],
                        hexadecimal: [16, "hex"]
            , {
                "../common": 2,
                "../type": 13
            18: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l;
                try {
                    l = c("esprima")
                } catch (a) {
                    typeof window != "undefined" && (l = window.esprima)
                var e = c("../../type");
                p.exports = new e(",2002:js/function",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(a) {
                        if (a === null)
                            return !1;
                        try {
                            var s = "(" + a + ")"
                              , r = l.parse(s, {
                                range: !0
                            return r.type === "Program" && r.body.length === 1 && r.body[0].type === "ExpressionStatement" && (r.body[0].expression.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" || r.body[0].expression.type === "FunctionExpression")
                        } catch (o) {
                            return !1
                    construct: function(a) {
                        var s, r = "(" + a + ")", o = l.parse(r, {
                            range: !0
                        }), u = [];
                        if (o.type !== "Program" || o.body.length !== 1 || o.body[0].type !== "ExpressionStatement" || o.body[0].expression.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression" && o.body[0].expression.type !== "FunctionExpression")
                            throw new Error("Failed to resolve function");
                        return o.body[0].expression.params.forEach(function(h) {
                        s = o.body[0].expression.body.range,
                        o.body[0].expression.body.type === "BlockStatement" ? new Function(u,r.slice(s[0] + 1, s[1] - 1)) : new Function(u,"return " + r.slice(s[0], s[1]))
                    predicate: function(a) {
                        return === "[object Function]"
                    represent: function(a) {
                        return a.toString()
            , {
                "../../type": 13
            19: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:js/regexp",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(e) {
                        if (e === null || e.length === 0)
                            return !1;
                        var a = e
                          , s = /\/([gim]*)$/.exec(e)
                          , r = "";
                        return !(a[0] === "/" && (s && (r = s[1]),
                        3 < r.length || a[a.length - r.length - 1] !== "/"))
                    construct: function(e) {
                        var a = e
                          , s = /\/([gim]*)$/.exec(e)
                          , r = "";
                        return a[0] === "/" && (s && (r = s[1]),
                        a = a.slice(1, a.length - r.length - 1)),
                        new RegExp(a,r)
                    predicate: function(e) {
                        return === "[object RegExp]"
                    represent: function(e) {
                        var a = "/" + e.source + "/";
                        return && (a += "g"),
                        e.multiline && (a += "m"),
                        e.ignoreCase && (a += "i"),
            , {
                "../../type": 13
            20: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:js/undefined",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function() {
                        return !0
                    construct: function() {},
                    predicate: function(e) {
                        return e === void 0
                    represent: function() {
                        return ""
            , {
                "../../type": 13
            21: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:map",{
                    kind: "mapping",
                    construct: function(e) {
                        return e !== null ? e : {}
            , {
                "../type": 13
            22: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:merge",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(e) {
                        return e === "<<" || e === null
            , {
                "../type": 13
            23: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:null",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(e) {
                        if (e === null)
                            return !0;
                        var a = e.length;
                        return a === 1 && e === "~" || a === 4 && (e === "null" || e === "Null" || e === "NULL")
                    construct: function() {
                        return null
                    predicate: function(e) {
                        return e === null
                    represent: {
                        canonical: function() {
                            return "~"
                        lowercase: function() {
                            return "null"
                        uppercase: function() {
                            return "NULL"
                        camelcase: function() {
                            return "Null"
                    defaultStyle: "lowercase"
            , {
                "../type": 13
            24: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type")
                  , e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
                  , a = Object.prototype.toString;
                p.exports = new l(",2002:omap",{
                    kind: "sequence",
                    resolve: function(s) {
                        if (s === null)
                            return !0;
                        var r, o, u, h, x, v = [], D = s;
                        for (r = 0,
                        o = D.length; r < o; r += 1) {
                            if (u = D[r],
                            x = !1,
                   !== "[object Object]")
                                return !1;
                            for (h in u)
                                if (, h)) {
                                    if (x)
                                        return !1;
                                    x = !0
                            if (!x || v.indexOf(h) !== -1)
                                return !1;
                        return !0
                    construct: function(s) {
                        return s !== null ? s : []
            , {
                "../type": 13
            25: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type")
                  , e = Object.prototype.toString;
                p.exports = new l(",2002:pairs",{
                    kind: "sequence",
                    resolve: function(a) {
                        if (a === null)
                            return !0;
                        var s, r, o, u, h, x = a;
                        for (h = new Array(x.length),
                        s = 0,
                        r = x.length; s < r; s += 1) {
                            if (o = x[s],
                   !== "[object Object]" || (u = Object.keys(o)).length !== 1)
                                return !1;
                            h[s] = [u[0], o[u[0]]]
                        return !0
                    construct: function(a) {
                        if (a === null)
                            return [];
                        var s, r, o, u, h, x = a;
                        for (h = new Array(x.length),
                        s = 0,
                        r = x.length; s < r; s += 1)
                            o = x[s],
                            u = Object.keys(o),
                            h[s] = [u[0], o[u[0]]];
                        return h
            , {
                "../type": 13
            26: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:seq",{
                    kind: "sequence",
                    construct: function(e) {
                        return e !== null ? e : []
            , {
                "../type": 13
            27: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type")
                  , e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
                p.exports = new l(",2002:set",{
                    kind: "mapping",
                    resolve: function(a) {
                        if (a === null)
                            return !0;
                        var s, r = a;
                        for (s in r)
                            if (, s) && r[s] !== null)
                                return !1;
                        return !0
                    construct: function(a) {
                        return a !== null ? a : {}
            , {
                "../type": 13
            28: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:str",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    construct: function(e) {
                        return e !== null ? e : ""
            , {
                "../type": 13
            29: [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("../type")
                  , e = new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$")
                  , a = new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$");
                p.exports = new l(",2002:timestamp",{
                    kind: "scalar",
                    resolve: function(s) {
                        return s !== null && (e.exec(s) !== null || a.exec(s) !== null)
                    construct: function(s) {
                        var r, o, u, h, x, v, D, V, Z = 0, X = null;
                        if ((r = e.exec(s)) === null && (r = a.exec(s)),
                        r === null)
                            throw new Error("Date resolve error");
                        if (o = +r[1],
                        u = +r[2] - 1,
                        h = +r[3],
                            return new Date(Date.UTC(o, u, h));
                        if (x = +r[4],
                        v = +r[5],
                        D = +r[6],
                        r[7]) {
                            for (Z = r[7].slice(0, 3); Z.length < 3; )
                                Z += "0";
                            Z = +Z
                        return r[9] && (X = 6e4 * (60 * +r[10] + +(r[11] || 0)),
                        r[9] === "-" && (X = -X)),
                        V = new Date(Date.UTC(o, u, h, x, v, D, Z)),
                        X && V.setTime(V.getTime() - X),
                    instanceOf: Date,
                    represent: function(s) {
                        return s.toISOString()
            , {
                "../type": 13
            "/": [function(c, p, T) {
                "use strict";
                var l = c("./lib/js-yaml.js");
                p.exports = l
            , {
                "./lib/js-yaml.js": 1
        }, {}, [])("/")
    var YAML = {};
    YAML.parse = function(c) {
        return jsyaml.safeLoad(c, {
            filename: null,
            onWarning: null,
            schema: jsyaml.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA,
            json: !1
    YAML.stringify = function(c, p, T) {
        return jsyaml.safeDump(c, {
            indent: T,
            noArrayIndent: !1,
            skipInvalid: !1,
            flowLevel: p,
            schema: jsyaml.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA,
            sortKeys: !1,
            lineWidth: 80,
            noRefs: !1,
            noCompatMode: !1,
            condenseFlow: !1
    const json = JSON.stringify(YAML.parse(HTML.escape(draft.content)), null, 4);
    draft.content = json;


  • After Success Nothing , Tags: json
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