
Notion: add page to Database + MD

Last update about 2 years ago


about 2 years ago

Updated instructions only

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about 2 years ago

Updated instructions only

almost 3 years ago

Update for change to block properties in Notion API

Adds draft as new page in Notion database , converts basic markdown to Notion block types (to do, list, headings 1-3).

To use:
- ADD your DATABASE ID to the script.
- Ensure that the Title property of your database is called ‘Name’ (the default).

For how to setup Drafts/Notion integration and how to get database iD , see Notion Integration Guide


  • script

    // Notion Add Page to Databse + MD 
    // adds page to notion db with MD converted to Notion block types
    // Updated 22/3/22 - change to block properties
    // Assumes that the title property of your db pages default is "Name", if not, change below
    // Enter your database ID below
    /* ----- database id: paste ID between "quotes" -----*/
    const dbid = "YOUR DATABASE ID HERE"; // from db page link, between last "/" and "?"
    // endpoint url
    const endpoint = "";
    //get draft title + content, remove blank lines
    const lines = draft.content.replace(/$\s*\n+/gm, "\n").trim().split('\n'); 
    const title = lines.shift().replace(/^# /, "");
    // create page
    const parent = { "database_id": dbid };
    //"Name" refers to the title property of your db pages, default is "Name", if you have changed this, replace "Name" below
    const properties = { 
    					"Name": { "title": [ {"text": { "content": title}}]} ,				
    const children = [];
    const page = { parent, properties, children };	 
    function addBlock(line){
    	const block =	{"object": "block", "type" : "paragraph"};
    	const anyPref = /^(\s*([-*+]|#+)\s+)/;
    	// map prefix to block type
    	const types = new Map ([  
    					["to_do", /^(\s*[-*+]\s\[\s]\s+)/],
    					["bulleted_list_item", /^(\s*[-*+]\s+)/],
    					["heading_3", /^(\s*###\s+)/],	
    					["heading_2", /^(\s*##\s+)/],
    					["heading_1", /^(\s*#\s+)/],  
    	// if any prefix
    	if (anyPref.test(line)) {
    		// get type
    		types.forEach( ( reg, name ) => {
    						if (reg.test(line)) {
    							block.type = name;
    							line = line.replace(reg, ""); 
    	// complete block
    	block[block.type] = {"rich_text": [{ "type": "text", 
    									"text": { "content" : line }}]};
    // ---------------------
    //if lines, add child blocks
    if (lines) {
    // create Notion instance to make request
    let notion = Notion.create();
    let response = notion.request({
    	"url": endpoint,
    	"method": "POST",
    	"data": page 
    // result 
    if (!response.statusCode == 200) {
    	alert(`Notion Error: ${response.statusCode}


  • After Success Default
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.