Sum of all Numbers in Draft/Selection
Posted by Chris Grieser (armenaton),
Last update
over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
- now also works on negative numbers
- copies reuslt to the clipboard
- shows result in notification instead of appending
over 3 years ago
- now also works on negative numbers
- copies reuslt to the clipboard
- shows result in notification instead of appending
over 3 years ago
- now also works on negative numbers
- copies reuslt to the clipboard
- shows result in notification instead of appending
Calculates the sum of all numbers in the selection. If there is no selection, the entire draft is used as input.
The sum is then displayed as notification & copied to the clipboard.
Works with “.” or “,” as decimal seperators. Also supports with negative numbers, enabling the correct parsing of sequences like 2-4+3
as well.
Caveats: This action does not work with any kind of thousand seperator (“.”, “,”, or space), as they would introduce ambigious cases.
draft.saveVersion(); //gets selection, if no seleciton, gets draft if (editor.getSelectedText() == "") { var textToCheck = draft.content; } else { var textToCheck = editor.getSelectedText(); } //match all numbers in text let digitMatches = textToCheck.match(/-?\d+(?:[,|\.]\d+)?/gm); //addition of all numbers var sum = 0; var commaAsSep = false; digitMatches.forEach(numberAsString => { let numberToAdd = parseFloat (numberAsString); if (numberAsString.includes (",")){ commaAsSep = true; numberToAdd = parseFloat (numberAsString.replace (",",".")); } sum = sum + numberToAdd; }); // Stringify sum, using "," as seperator when it was used let sum_string = String(sum); if (commaAsSep == true){ sum_string = sum_string.replace (".",","); } // Copy to Clipboard app.setClipboard(sum_string); app.displaySuccessMessage("∑ = " + sum_string);
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