Posted by Chris Grieser (armenaton),
Last update
over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
added today’s date in the snooze menu
over 3 years ago
added today’s date in the snooze menu
over 3 years ago
added display of weekday
almost 4 years ago
as the NLP is too unreliable, changed the NLP-textfield for the date to a date picker
ATTENTION: This action only works with a shortcut and some specific settings. Alone, this action will not function as intended.
Look at the Setup Instructions.
Snooze a draft by sending it to Reminders. Set the due date to the date when your task should re-appear in Drafts.
let title = draft.processTemplate("[[title]]"); let notes = draft.processTemplate("[[body]]"); let f = () => { let lists = ReminderList.getAllReminderLists(); let p = Prompt.create(); var today = new Date(); var tomorrow = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate() + 1); var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); const weekdays = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; var weekday_today = weekdays [today.getDay()]; var full_date = weekday_today + ", " + dd + '.' + mm + '.' + yyyy; p.title = "Snooze" p.message = "Today is: " + full_date; p.addDatePicker("dueDate", "due date", tomorrow, { "mode": "date" }); p.addTextField("title", "Title", title, { "wantsFocus": true }); p.addTextView("notes", "Notes", notes, {}); p.addButton("Create Reminder"); if (! { return 1; } //Set the list to which you want to send the draft. The order of lists in the Reminders App is used, with 0 being the first, 1 the second, 2 the third, etc. let list = lists[0]; // <-- this number let rem = list.createReminder(); rem.title = p.fieldValues["title"]; rem.notes = p.fieldValues["notes"]; rem.dueDate = p.fieldValues["dueDate"]; rem.dueDateIncludesTime = false; if (rem.update()) { console.log("Reminder created"); app.displayInfoMessage("Draft snoozed"); } else { console.log("Error creating reminder"); return -1; } return 0; } let result = f(); switch (result) { case -1:; break; case 1: context.cancel(); break }
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