Created This Day
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
over 4 years ago
Loads drafts created on the current date in previous years.
The action will prompt for the number of years ago to view, then create an open a workspace to display only drafts created on today’s date that number of years ago.
This is meant as an example of date filters in Workkspaces.
function load(numberOfYears) { // get date for previous year let d =; // create a workspace with a date filter for that day let ws = new Workspace(); = "Created: " + strftime(d, "%Y-%m-%d"); let st = new QueryDate(); st.field = "created"; st.type = "absolute"; = d; let end = new QueryDate(); end.field = "created"; end.type = "absolute" = d; ws.startDate = st; ws.endDate = end; app.applyWorkspace(ws); } if (app.isPro) { let p = new Prompt(); p.title = "On This Day"; p.message = "Display drafts created on this date in a previous year. Select the number of years ago below." p.addSelect("years", "Years ago", ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], ["1"], false); p.addButton("Show", "Show", true); if ( { let years = parseInt(p.fieldValues["years"]); load(years); } else { context.cancel(); } } else { alert("This action uses Workspaces, which require a Pro subscription"); context.cancel(); }
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