move draft
Posted by FlohGro,
Last update
about 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
description update and small refinements in the presented prompt
created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog
move draft
This action lets you move the current draft.
Depending on where the draft is currently located you can move it to
- the inbox
- the archive
- the trash
- flag / unflag it
no configuration needed
When you want to move a draft you can simply run this action and a prompt will display the currently valid options. To speed things up set a keyboard shortcut for this action or move it to an action bar.
If you find this useful and want to support me you can
// move draft var lists = []; if (draft.isArchived == true) { lists.push("inbox"); } else { lists.push("archive"); } if (draft.isFlagged == true) { lists.push("unflag"); } else { lists.push("flag"); } if (draft.isTrashed == false) { lists.push("trash"); } var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "select action"; p.message = "for draft \"" + draft.title + "\""; for (var list of lists) { p.addButton(list); } var con =; if (con) { var sel = p.buttonPressed; if (sel == "archive") { draft.isArchived = true; } else if (sel == "inbox") { draft.isArchived = false; } else if (sel == "trash") { draft.isTrashed = true; } else if (sel == "unflag") { draft.isFlagged = false; } else if (sel == "flag") { draft.isFlagged = true; } draft.update(); } else { context.cancel(); }
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.