Takapuna Tides
Posted by corkstu,
Last update
over 4 years ago
Queries Tidespy for tide information for a location - requires an API key (free) from Tidespy and setting of placename id (currently set to Takapuna, NZ => 3147).
Set to use metric units and request 2 days’ information, but tweak away… (and forgive my dubious coding)
name placename
template 3147
let placename = draft.getTemplateTag("placename"); let credential = Credential.create("TideSpy", "API key for access to TideSpy raw API."); credential.addTextField("apiKey", "API Key"); credential.authorize(); let todayDate = strftime(new Date(),"%Y%m%d"); let output = []; let header = "| Tide | Date-Time | Time Until | Height | \n|:----|---:|----:|----:|\n"; let http = HTTP.create(); // create HTTP object //var response = http.request({"url": queryurl,"method": "GET"}); let response = http.request({ "url": "", "method": "GET", "parameters": { "pn":placename, "unit":"m", "start":todayDate, "days":"2", "key":credential.getValue("apiKey") } }); if (response.success){ let tides = JSON.parse(response.responseText); let dayMinute = 60*(parseInt(strftime(new Date(),"%H"))) + parseInt(strftime(new Date(),"%M")); for(let x in tides.Turns){ // Ignore past tide information for today if(tides.Turns[x].Date == todayDate && tides.Turns[x].Minute < dayMinute) { continue; }else{ let hourminute = pad(Math.floor(tides.Turns[x].Minute/60),2) + ":" + pad(Math.floor(tides.Turns[x].Minute % 60),2); let isodate = tides.Turns[x].Date.substring(0,4) + "-" + tides.Turns[x].Date.substring(4,6) + "-" + tides.Turns[x].Date.substring(6); let timeUntil = timeBetweenNow(isodate,hourminute); output.push("|" + tides.Turns[x].HorL + "|" + isodate + " " + hourminute + "|" + timeUntil + "|" + tides.Turns[x].Height + "|"); } } draft.setTemplateTag("content", header + output.join("\n")); }else{ console.log(response.statusCode); console.log(response.error); } // F U N C T I O N S function pad(num, size) { let s = num+""; while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s; return s; } // Calculate the time in hours and minutes between the time now and an ISO date and 24-hour time function timeBetweenNow(d,m){ let nowDate = strftime(new Date(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M"); let diff = Math.abs(new Date(d + "T" + m) - new Date(nowDate)); let totalmin = Math.floor(diff/60000); let hour = Math.floor(totalmin/60); let min = Math.floor(totalmin % 60); return hour + "h " + min +"m"; }
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