Tag Filter
Posted by @derekvan,
Last update
over 4 years ago
This action uses Matt Gemmell’s CheckListPrompt script and action to create a series of prompts that ask you to choose a set of tags, then choose a draft to load in the editor.
You need to have this action installed for it to work.
name MGCheckListPrompt Library
// Tag Prompt / Filter // Get all Tags from all Drafts const drafts = Draft.query("","all",[]); const allDrafts = []; for (let d of drafts) { let tags = d.tags; for (let x in tags) { allDrafts.push(tags[x]); } } const allTags = Array.from(new Set(allDrafts)); allTags.sort(); // Create dictionary of Tags for the Prompt to process var promptDict = []; allTags.forEach(element => promptDict.push({"title":element})); // Create MGChecklist var prompt = new MGCheckListPrompt(); prompt.message = "Filter by which tags?"; prompt.title = "Tags"; prompt.allowsTypeToSelect = true; prompt.addItems(promptDict); var selectedItems =; // Create Tag array for querying if (prompt.didShow) { if (selectedItems != null) { var sTags = []; for (let s of selectedItems) { sTags.push(promptDict[s].title); } var tagged = Draft.query("","all",sTags); // Create new Prompt for showing Drafts matching the Tag query var selDrafts = new MGCheckListPrompt(); selDrafts.title = "Tagged Drafts"; selDrafts.allowsTypeToFilter = true; selDrafts.singleSelectionMode = true; selDrafts.selectsImmediately = true; selDrafts.addDrafts(tagged); var sItems =; // Load the selected Draft if (selDrafts.didShow) { if (sItems != null) { for (let d of sItems) { editor.load(tagged[d]); } } else { app.displayInfoMessage("Prompt was cancelled."); context.cancel(); } } else { app.displayErrorMessage("Something went wrong."); context.cancel(); } } else { app.displayInfoMessage("Prompt was cancelled."); context.cancel(); } } else { app.displayErrorMessage("Something went wrong."); context.cancel(); }
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.