Posted by corwinslack,
Last update
almost 6 years ago
The logic is by @agiletortoise but extended by corwinslack who is responsible for mistakes.
This creates a JSON that contains most of the template tags. Run this as step 1 in an action and then run a shortcut step with the template [[json]].
The first step of the Shortcut would be
get dictionary from input.
The keys for the dictionary are the template tag names.
This will even pass [[shortcut_result]] if a shortcut was executed as step 1 of an action and this is step 2.
// this creates a JSON that contains most template tags // typically this is step 1 of a script // step to should be Run shortcut with the template [[json]] // the first step of the shortcut should be // get dictionary from input // // by @agiletortoise but extended by corwinslack // create the values you want to send //let = draft.processTemplate("[[]]"); let title = draft.processTemplate("[[title]]"); let drafts = draft.processTemplate("[[draft]]"); let body = draft.processTemplate("[[body]]"); let selection = draft.processTemplate("[[selection]]"); let uuid = draft.processTemplate("[[uuid]]"); let safe_title = draft.processTemplate("[[safe_title]]"); let selection_only = draft.processTemplate("[[selection_only]]"); let selection_start = draft.processTemplate("[[selection_start]]"); let selection_length = draft.processTemplate("[[selection_length]]"); let created = draft.processTemplate("[[created|%F %T]]"); let modified = draft.processTemplate("[[modified|%F %T]]"); let shortcut_result = draft.processTemplate("[[shortcut_result]]"); let draft_open_url = draft.processTemplate("[[draft_open_url]]"); let tags = draft.processTemplate("[[tags]]"); let latitude_created = draft.processTemplate("[[latitude_created]]"); let longitude_created = draft.processTemplate("[[longitude_created]]"); let latitude_modified = draft.processTemplate("[[latitude_modified]]"); let longitude_modified = draft.processTemplate("[[longitude_modified]]"); // convert body to new "tag" that is in HTML format let mdbody = draft.processTemplate("%%[[body]]%%"); // make a JS object holding those keys-values let obj = { "draft": drafts, "title": title, "body": body, "mdbody": mdbody, "selection": selection, "safe_title": safe_title, "selection_only": selection_only, "uuid": uuid, "selection_start": selection_start, "selection_length": selection_length, "created": created, "modified": modified, "draft_open_url": draft_open_url, "tags": tags, "latitude_created": latitude_created, "longitude_created": longitude_created, "latitude_modified": latitude_modified, "longitude_modified": longitude_modified, "shortcut_result": shortcut_result } // create a template tag for use in later action steps in this action // JSON.stringify ensures proper conversion to JSON draft.setTemplateTag("json", JSON.stringify(obj)); // in later action steps, like a Run Shortcut step, // use new [[json]] tag
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