
Show List

Posted by FlohGro, Last update over 2 years ago


over 2 years ago

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over 2 years ago

description update

over 2 years ago

description update

over 2 years ago

description update & minor refinements

created by @FlohGro / more on my Blog

Show List

This action queries all your drafts for a specific tag and presents their titles in a prompt. The selected draft will be loaded into the editor


You need to configure the tag this action should use. To do so, edit this line in the script const listTag = "ref_list"; and replace ref_lists with the tag you want to use for your lists.


After you configured the action you can use it to quickly open your most used lists in Drafts.

If you want to add Text to a list you can look at the Add to List Action.

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  • script

    //show list
    // tag to assign to list drafts (set your own)
    const listTag = "ref_list";
    const linkListTitle = "Select List";
    var res;
    let ws = Workspace.create();
    ws.tagFilter = listTag;
    ws.tagFilterRequireAll = true;
    res = ws.query("all");
    // sort array in alphabetical order
    res.sort((a,b) => (a.title.toUpperCase() > b.title.toUpperCase()) ? 1:-1);
    var p = Prompt.create();
    p.title = linkListTitle
    for(i in res)
    var didSelect =;
    if (didSelect == 1) {
    	var selecteduuid = p.buttonPressed;
    	var selectedDraft = Draft.find((selecteduuid));
    	if (selectedDraft.title == linkListTitle) {
    		editor.linkModeEnabled = true;


  • After Success Default
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.