Last update
almost 6 years ago
Still rough (I’ll be updating), but it will grab either Scripture references or complex Accordance searches and create a link. It drops the link into the next line of your draft, copies it to your clipboard, and opens the search in Accordance. For your Accordance search query, it can be highlighted or if it’s alone on a new line it will grab the entire line.
I used #a for a
var sel = editor.getSelectedText(); // if there was no selection get the whole line if (!sel || sel.length == 0) { let [st, len] = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); var text = editor.getTextInRange(st, len); } else { var text = sel } // and if there's nothing on the line, get the clipboard if (text.length == 0) { var text = app.getClipboard(); } else { } // editor.setTextInRange(st, len, ""); //choose your accordance shortcut symbol var symbol = "#" //accordance specific search terms var text = text.replace(/#a/g, '<and>'); var text = text.replace(/#o/g, '<or>'); var text = text.replace(/#n/g, '<not>'); var text = text.replace(/#r/g, '[range '); var text = text.replace(/#/g, "] "); //gets rid of spaces var text = text.replace(/ /g, "_"); //adds URL header //text = "accord://search/ESVS?" + text; draft.setTemplateTag("link", text); //editor.setSelectedText(text); //var regex = new RegExp("ReGeX" + testVar + "ReGeX"); //string.replace(regex, "replacement");
template accord://search/ESVS?[[link]]
useSafari false
encodeTags true
text = "accord://search/ESVS?" + text; app.setClipboard(text); text = '\n' + text; editor.setSelectedText(text);
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