Create new entry
Posted by @scripts4drafts,
Last update
almost 6 years ago
This script creates a new entry in the current draft, right after the entry where the cursor is. The separator between entries is set in the ‘Init’ function.
function Init() { // set separator this.sep = '***'; // locate cursor this.loc = editor.getSelectedRange()[0]; // locate the end of current draft let eod = draft.content.length; // set regexp before let reb = new RegExp('^([\\s\\S]*' + RegExp.quote(this.sep) + ')?[\\s\\S]*?$'); //set regexp after let rea = new RegExp('^([\\s\\S]*?)(' + RegExp.quote(this.sep) + '[\\s\\S]*)?$'); // regexp before cursor editor.getTextInRange(0, this.loc).match(reb); // locate start of current entry this.sce = (RegExp.$1?RegExp.$1.length:0); // regexp before start of current entry editor.getTextInRange(this.loc, eod).match(rea); // set length of current entry this.lce = this.loc - this.sce + RegExp.$1.length; // check if current entry is the last one in draft this.ile = (RegExp.$2?false:true); // set current entry this.cue = editor.getTextInRange(this.sce, this.lce).trim(); } Object.prototype.newEntry = function() { // modify current entry with no empty lines before and after entry, then add separators var str = (!this.sce && !this.cue?this.sep:'') + '\n' + this.cue + (this.cue?'\n' + this.sep + '\n':'') + (this.ile?'':'\n'); // replace current entry with modified entry editor.setTextInRange(this.sce, this.lce, str); // locate the start of new entry this.loc = this.sce + str.length - (this.ile?0:1); // move the cursor at the start of new entry editor.setSelectedRange(this.loc, 0); editor.setSelectedText(''); } RegExp.quote = function(str) { return str.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1'); } let it = new Init(); it.newEntry();
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