Prepare MoM (select date)
Posted by @seishonagon,
Last update
about 6 years ago
Choose a date (defaults to today), then a calendar event and a Markdown draft will be prepared with room for minutes and actions.
Before using:
* get the name of your work calendar and replace the “Calendrier” string at the beginning of the script.
* choose tags for your draft and replace my “meetings” and “work” strings
The date is formatted as I like it but you can play around.
// make meeting minutes for event // inspired by agile tortoise ["import calendar" action]( (() => { // capture work calendar var cal = Calendar.findOrCreate("Calendrier"); let start = new Date() let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Select Date"; p.addDatePicker("start","", (1).years().ago(), {"mode":"date"}); p.addButton("Select"); if ( { start = p.fieldValues["start"]; } else { context.cancel(); } start.setDate(start.getDate()) let end = new Date(); end.setDate(start.getDate() + 1) // capture today's events (notice date offsets by +1. Not sure why but it's needed) let events =, end); if (events == "undefined" || events.length == 0) { alert('No events found'); context.cancel(); } else { let eventNames = => x.title); let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Choose event"; p.message = "Select event to create MD meeting notes:"; p.addSelect("event", "Event", eventNames, [], false); p.addButton("Select"); if ( { let selected = p.fieldValues["event"]; let ix = eventNames.findIndex(x => x == selected); let event = events[ix]; if (event) { if (!makeMinutes(event)) {; } } } else { context.cancel(); } } })() function makeMinutes(e) { // the "pad" formatting is ecma 6 and forces a leading 0 in the string for minutes const TS = d => d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0'); const DS = d => {m=d.getMonth()+1; s=d.getFullYear().toString()+ "-"+m.toString().padStart(2, '0')+ "-"+d.getDate();return s}; let t = [] t.push("# CR " + e.title + "\n"); if (e.isAllDay) { "\*le " + t.push(DS(e.startDate) + "\*\n"); } else { t.push("\*le " + DS(e.startDate) + " de " + TS(e.startDate) + " à " + TS(e.endDate)+ "\*\n"); } t.push("## Participants:\n"); t.push("## Actions:\n"); t.push("## Compte Rendu:\n"); if (e.notes.length > 0) { t.push("## References:\n" + e.notes + "\n"); } t.push("\n"); let d = Draft.create(); d.addTag("work"); d.addTag("meetings"); d.languageGrammar = "Markdown"; d.content = t.join(""); d.update(); editor.load(d); return true; }
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