Bear note with metadata
Posted by Bert,
Last update
about 6 years ago
Adds the contents of the draft to a new Note in Bear, with the first line as the title.
function uuidv4() { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8; return v.toString(16); }); } RegExp.escape = function(s) { return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"); }; function to_bear(text) { const replacements = [ { regex: /^(\s*)- /gm, template: "$1{} ", final_str: "*" }, { regex: /^(\s*)\* /gm, template: "$1{} ", final_str: "-" }, { regex: /^(\s*)- \[ \] /gm, template: "$1{} ", final_str: "-" }, { regex: /^(\s*)\* \[ \] /gm, template: "$1{} ", final_str: "-" }, { regex: /^(\s*)- \[\s*x\s*\] /gm, template: "$1{} ", final_str: "+" }, { regex: /^(\s*)\* \[\s*x\s*\] /gm, template: "$1{} ", final_str: "+" }, ]; for (let replacement of replacements) { const uuid = uuidv4(); replacement.template = replacement.template.replace("{}", uuid); replacement.uuid = uuid.toString(); } if (!text) { return ""; } var text = text.replace( new RegExp(`^(\\s|[^az-zA-Z\\d])*${RegExp.escape(draft.title)}\n*`), "---\n", ); for (const replacement of replacements) { text = text.replace(replacement.regex, replacement.template); } for (const replacement of replacements) { text = text.replace(new RegExp(replacement.uuid, "g"), replacement.final_str); } return text; } to_bear(draft.content); draft.setTemplateTag("bear_content", to_bear(draft.content)); draft.setTemplateTag("bear_title", draft.title.replace(/^(\\s|[^az-zA-Z\\d])*/, ""));
template bear://x-callback-url/create?title=[[bear_title]]&text=[Draft]([[draft_open_url]])%0ACreated:%20[[created|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]]%0AModified:%20[[modified|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]]%0ALocations:%20[Created]([[created_latitude]],[[created_longitude]]%26sll%3D[[created_latitude]],[[created_longitude]]%26t%3Dm)%20[Last%20modified]([[modified_latitude]],[[modified_longitude]]%26sll%3D[[modified_latitude]],[[modified_longitude]]%26t%3Dm)%0A[[bear_content]]&tags=[[tags]]
useSafari false
encodeTags true
template bear://x-callback-url/create?title=[[bear_title]]&text=[Draft]([[draft_open_url]])%0ACreated:%20[[created|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]]%0AModified:%20[[modified|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]]%0ALocations:%20[Created]([[created_latitude]],[[created_longitude]]%26sll%3D[[created_latitude]],[[created_longitude]]%26t%3Dm)%20[Last%20modified]([[modified_latitude]],[[modified_longitude]]%26sll%3D[[modified_latitude]],[[modified_longitude]]%26t%3Dm)%0A[[bear_content]]&tags=[[tags]]
waitForResponse false
encodeTags true
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