Pastebin Private
Posted by @mterhar,
Last update
over 6 years ago
If you have a pro account on Pastebin, this will let you push your draft to Pastebin.
1. a Pastebin pro account
2. api key
3. username and password
Has a sanity check so you don’t automatically duplicate the note in Pastebin unless it’s intentional.
It appends the Pastebin link to the bottom of the note for reference. Does not archive or delete as-is.
if(draft.hasTag("pastebin")){ var pcontinue = Prompt.create(); pcontinue.title = "Already pasted"; pcontinue.isCancellable = false; pcontinue.addButton("Make another", true); pcontinue.addButton("Nevermind", false);; if(!pcontinue.buttonPressed){ context.cancel("Nevermind button pressed"); } } var credential = Credential.create("PastebinPrivate", "Insert Pastebin developer API key, username, and password."); credential.addTextField("devtoken", "Dev Token"); credential.addTextField("username", "Username"); credential.addPasswordField("password", "Password"); credential.authorize(); var pbToken = credential.getValue("devtoken"); var pbUser = credential.getValue("username"); var pbPass = credential.getValue("password"); var endpoint = ""; var content = draft.content; var http_getUserKey = HTTP.create(); var pastebin_user_key = http_getUserKey.request({ "url": "", "method": "POST", "encoding": "form", "data": { "api_dev_key": pbToken, "api_user_name": pbUser, "api_user_password": pbPass } }); if (pastebin_user_key.statusCode != 200 && pastebin_user_key.statusCode != 202) { console.log("Pastebin authenticaton failure");; } // create and post HTTP request var http = HTTP.create(); var response = http.request({ "url": endpoint, "method": "POST", "encoding": "form", "data": { "api_dev_key": pbToken, "api_option": "paste", "api_user_key": pastebin_user_key.responseText, "api_paste_private": "2", "api_paste_name": draft.title, "api_paste_code": content }, "headers": { "Authorization": "Elsewhere" } }); console.log("Response: " + response.statusCode); if (response.statusCode != 200 && response.statusCode != 202) {; } else { var pasteURL = response.responseText; app.setClipboard(pasteURL); console.log("New paste: " + pasteURL); var ts = new Date(); draft.content += "\r\n\r\nPrivate pastebin link: " + pasteURL + " created " + ts.toLocaleString(); // ts.toISOString(); draft.addTag("pastebin"); draft.update(); }
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