CSV To Markdown Table
Posted by martinpacker,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Select the text - in CSV format - and this action will prompt you whether you want the first row treated as a heading row or not. Then it will replace this text with the Markdown table equivalent. Enhanced to guess cell alignments.
function parse_CSV(csv_string){ rows=[] row=[] in_string=false cell_value="" for(ch of csv_string){ if(ch==','){ // Might be a cell separator if(in_string==false){ // Is cell separator row.push(cell_value) cell_value="" }else{ // In a cell and not a separator cell_value+=ch } }else if(ch=='\n' && in_string==false){ // New row if(cell_value!=''){ // Existing cell to add to row row.push(cell_value) cell_value="" } rows.push(row) row=[] }else if(ch=='"'){ // String start or end if(in_string==false) { // String start in_string=true }else{ // String end in_string=false row.push(cell_value) cell_value="" } }else{ // normal character cell_value+=ch } } if(cell_value!=""){ row.push(cell_value) } if(row.length>0){ rows.push(row) } return rows } // Work out what the column types are // // L = Left alignment // R = Right alignment // function get_column_types(cellArray){ col_has_numeric=[] col_has_nonnumeric=[] col_count=0 // Figure out how many columns we have for(row of cellArray){ col_count=Math.max(col_count,row.length) } // Prime column detected types array for(i=0;i<col_count;i++){ col_has_numeric.push(0) col_has_nonnumeric.push(0) } // Loop through rows to figure out type of each cell for(row of cellArray){ row_length=row.length for(i=0;i<row_length;i++){ if(isNaN(row[i])){ col_has_nonnumeric[i]++ }else{ col_has_numeric[i]++ } } } alignments=[] for(i=0;i<col_count;i++){ if(col_has_nonnumeric[i]>0){ alignments.push("L") }else{ alignments.push("R") } } return alignments } // Format a one-dimensional array of text cells as a line with newline function format_row(cells){ rowText="|" for(cell of cells){ rowText+=cell+"|" } return rowText+"\n" } // Extract the selected text and parse into an array of rows csv=editor.getSelectedText() rows=parse_CSV(csv) rowCount=rows.length // Prepare a dialog to control Markdown table generation p=Prompt.create() p.title="Control Markdown Table Creation" p.addSwitch("heading","First row is heading",true) p.addButton("OK") // Display this dialog // If not cancelled then handle result of the dialog if(p.buttonPressed=="OK"){ // Glean column alignments as an array alignments=get_column_types(rows) // Format alignment row alignmentRow="|" for(a of alignments){ if(a=="L"){ alignmentRow+=":-|" }else{ alignmentRow+="-:|" } } if(p.fieldValues["heading"]==false){ // Text starts with empty header replacementText="||\n"+alignmentRow+"\n" // Add the rows for(row of rows){ replacementText+=format_row(row) } }else{ // Calculate number of cells in longest row columns=0 for(row of rows){ columns=Math.max(columns,row.length) } // Replacement text starts with the first row replacementText=format_row(rows[0]) // Now add alignment row replacementText+=alignmentRow+"\n" // Now add the rest of the rows for(row=1;row<rowCount;row++){ replacementText+=format_row(rows[row]) } } // Replace the selected text with the Markdown table version if(replacementText!=""){ editor.setSelectedText(replacementText) } }
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