New From Template
Posted by @hinnerkhaardt,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Creates a new document based on the selected one and opens it in the editor.
Replaces all build-in template tags in the process. Has the additional template tag „[[date]]“ that gets replaced by an iso formatted date string. Copies all tags except one „template“ and adds a new tag „generated“.
[[date]] daily journal
2018-09-15 daily journal
var dte = new Date(); var ds = dte.toISOString().slice(0,10); var d = Draft.create(); d.addTag('generated') d.setTemplateTag('date', ds) d.content = d.processTemplate(draft.content); d.title = d.processTemplate(draft.title); var tl = draft.tags.length; for (var i = 0; i < tl; i++) { if (draft.tags[i] !== 'template') { d.addTag(draft.tags[i]); } } d.update(); editor.load(d);
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