
Airtable API

Posted by @pdavisonreiber, Last update almost 5 years ago

To use this as part of one of your script actions, follow these steps:
- Download this script using the install button at the bottom of the page.
- Create a new action and use the “Include Action” step to include “Airtable API”.
- Add your own script to a “Script” action step after the “Include Action” step.
- Get your base’s endpoint and your API key from the Airtable API documentation.
- When prompted, enter these into the credential prompt. These details are stored locally on your device, and only need to be entered once for each base you access. To delete them, go to Credentials in the Drafts settings screen.


Airtable is a web-based spreadsheet and database tool which can be used to organise a large variety of different kinds of data including text, images, files, and more. The scripting interfaces below are convenience wrappers that allow easy interaction with Airtable’s REST API.

While the Airtable API offers extensive read and write access to the data stored, it does not provide metadata about the structure of databases or the types of fields. Users will need to know this information in advance to properly interact with the database.


Represents a single record in an Airtable base.

Class Functions

  • create() -> ATRecord
    • Create a new record object.
  • selectRecords(Array of ATRecord objects, field, options) -> Array of ATRecord objects
    • Present a list of records to the user for them to select one or more
    • Parameters
      • Array of ATRecord objects: all records must have been added to a table and the table updated.
      • field [string or function] : A string denoting the name of the field which should be used to represent the records in the selection list. Alternatively, pass a function which takes each record and returns a string to display. This can be used to combine multiple fields together to create the labels for the selection list.
      • options [object]: a dictionary of options with the following available keys.
        • title [string] (optional): Title to display in the prompt.
        • message [string] (optional): Message to display in the prompt.
        • type [string] (optional): Valid values are “selectMultiple”, “selectOne”, and “selectButtons”.
        • filter [function] (optional): A function to filter the records displayed.


  • id [string, readonly]
    • The unique id of the record in the Airtable base. Undefined until the record is added to a table and the table is updated.
  • table [ATTable, readonly]
    • The table to which the record belongs.
  • createdTime [date, readonly]
    • The time that the record was created. Undefined until the record is added to a table and the table is updated.


  • getFieldValue(field) -> object
    • Takes a string with the name of the field, and returns the contents of that field.
  • setFieldValue(field, object)
    • Takes a string with the name of the field, and sets the contents of the field according to the object passed.
  • getLinkedRecords(field) -> Array of ATRecord objects
    • For a field which links to records in another table, this returns all of the linked records. The table containing the linked records must have been added to the base.
  • linkRecord(field, ATRecord)
    • For a field which links to records in another table, this adds a new linked record from the given field. Existing linked records are unaffected. Note that Airtable also supports linked fields which do not allow more than one linked record.
  • update() -> boolean
    • Pushes changes to the base for a record that has already been added to a table. Returns true if successful.


Represents a table within an Airtable base.

Class Functions

  • create(name, ATBase) -> ATBase
    • Create a new table object with a given name and associated with a given base. Name must coincide exactly with an existing table on the web.


  • name [string, readonly]
  • base [ATBase]
  • records [Array of ATRecord objects]
    • All of the records associated with the table.
  • fields [Array of strings]
    • The names of the fields associated with records in the table.


  • addRecord(ATRecord)
    • Add a new record to the table. Will not be pushed to the web until update() is called.
  • selectRecords(field, options)
    • Equivalent to ATRecord.selectRecords(table.records, field, options).
  • update() -> boolean
    • Push changes to the base. Returns true if successful.


Represents an individual Airtable base.

Class Functions

  • create(name) -> ATBase
    • Create new base object with given name.


  • name [string]
  • tables [Array of ATTable objects]
    • All of the tables associated with the base.


  • getRecordWithID(id) -> ATRecord
    • Takes the unique id of a record within an associated table and returns the record object.


var base = ATBase.create("Favourite Books");
var books = ATTable.create("Books", base);
var authors = ATTable.create("Authors", base);

var newBook = ATRecord.create();
newBook.setFieldValue("Title", "The Hobbit");
newBook.setFieldValue("Genre", "Fantasy");

var chosenAuthors = authors.selectRecords("Name", {title: "Select Author", type: "selectOne"});
var chosenAuthor = chosenAuthors[0];

newBook.linkRecord("Author", chosenAuthor);



  • script

    class ATURL {
    	constructor(baseURL) {
    		this.baseURL = baseURL;
    		this.parameters = {};
    	addParameter(key, value) {
    		this.parameters[key] = value;
    	constructURL() {
    		let parametersArray = new Array();
    		for (let parameterName in this.parameters) {
    			let encodedParameter = encodeURIComponent(this.parameters[parameterName]);
    			parametersArray.push(parameterName + "=" + encodedParameter);
    		if (parametersArray.length == 0) {
    			return this.baseURL;
    		} else {
    			return this.baseURL + "?" + parametersArray.join("&");
    class ATHTTPRequest {
    	constructor(table) {
    		this.table = table;
    		this.responseData = undefined;
    		this.error = undefined;
    		this.success = undefined;
    	static _createPostData(record) {
    		let data = new Object(); =;
    		data.fields = record._fields;
    		return data;
    	static _createPatchData(record) {
    		let data = new Object();
    		data.fields = record._changedFields;
    		return data;
    	static _errorMessage(response) {
    		if (response.error) {
    			return response.error
    		} else {
    			switch(response.statusCode) {
    				case 400:
    					return "400: Bad Request";
    				case 401:
    					return "401: Unauthorized";
    				case 402:
    					return "402: Payment Required";
    				case 403:
    					return "403: Forbidden";
    				case 404:
    					return "404: Not Found";
    				case 413:
    					return "413: Request Entity Too Large";
    				case 422:
    					return "422: Invalid Request";
    				case 500:
    					return "500: Internal Server Error";
    				case 502:
    					return "502: Bad Gateway";
    				case 503:
    					return "503: Service Unavailable";
    	get(options = {}) {
    		let http = HTTP.create();
    		let url = new ATURL("" + this.table.base._endpoint + "/" + encodeURIComponent(;
    		url.parameters = options;
    		let response = http.request({
    			"url": url.constructURL(),
    			"method": "GET",
    			"headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer " + this.table.base._apiKey}
    		if (response.success) {
    			this.responseData = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
    			this.success = true;
    		} else {
    			this.success = false;
    			this.error = ATHTTPRequest._errorMessage(response);
    			this.table.lastError = this.error;
    		return this.success;
    	post(record) {
    		let http = HTTP.create();
    		let url = new ATURL("" + this.table.base._endpoint + "/" + encodeURIComponent(;
    		let response = http.request({
    			"url": url.constructURL(),
    			"method": "POST",
    			"data": ATHTTPRequest._createPostData(record),
    			"headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer " + this.table.base._apiKey, "Content-type": "application/json"}
    		if (response.success) {
    			this.responseData = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
    			this.success = true;
    		} else {
    			this.success = false;
    			this.error = ATHTTPRequest._errorMessage(response);
    			this.table.lastError = this.error;
    		return this.success;
    	patch(record) {
    		let http = HTTP.create();
    		let url = new ATURL("" + this.table.base._endpoint + "/" + encodeURIComponent( + "/" +;
    		let response = http.request({
    			"url": url.constructURL(),
    			"method": "PATCH",
    			"data": ATHTTPRequest._createPatchData(record),
    			"headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer " + this.table.base._apiKey, "Content-type": "application/json"}
    		if (response.success) {
    			this.responseData = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
    			this.success = true;
    		} else {
    			this.success = false;
    			this.error = ATHTTPRequest._errorMessage(response);
    			this.table.lastError = this.error;
    		return this.success;
    class ATRecord {
    	constructor() {
    		this._id = undefined;
    		this._table = undefined;
    		this._createdTimed = undefined;
    		this._fields = new Object();
    		this._changedFields = new Object();
    		this._isLocalOnly = true;
    	get id() {
    		return this._id;
    	set id(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The id property of ATRecord is read only");
    	get table() {
    		return this._table;
    	set table(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The table property of ATRecord is read only");
    	get createdTime() {
    		return this._createdTime;
    	set createdTime(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The createdTime property of ATRecord is read only");
    	static create() {
    		return new ATRecord();
    	static _createFromData(data, table) {
    		let record = new ATRecord();
    		record._id =;
    		record._createdTimed = new Date(data._createdTimed);
    		record._fields = data.fields;
    		record._table = table;
    		record._isLocalOnly = false;
    		return record;
    	getFieldValue(field) {
    		if (this._fields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    			return this._fields[field];
    		} else {
    			return undefined;
    	setFieldValue(field, value) {
    		this._fields[field] = value;
    		this._changedFields[field] = value;
    	getLinkedRecords(field) {
    		return this._fields[field].map(id => this._table.base.getRecordWithID(id));
    	linkRecord(field, record) {
    		if (!this._fields.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
    			this._fields[field] = new Array();
    		this._changedFields[field] = this._fields[field]; 
    	_pushToTable() {
    		let httpRequest = new ATHTTPRequest(this.table);;
    		this._changedFields = {};
    		this._id =;
    		this._fields = httpRequest.responseData.fields;
    		this._createdTimed = new Date(httpRequest.responseData.createdTime);
    		return httpRequest;
    	update() {
    		if (this._table && this._id) {
    			let httpRequest = new ATHTTPRequest(this._table);
    			let success = httpRequest.patch(this);
    			if (success) {
    				this._changedFields = {};
    				this._fields = httpRequest.responseData.fields;
    				return true;
    			} else {
    				return false;
    		} else if (this._table) {
    			alert("ERROR: table must be updated before record can be updated");
    		} else {
    			alert("ERROR: record not yet added to table");
    			return false;
    	static isoDate(date, includeTime = false) {
    		if (includeTime) {
    			return date.toISOString();
    		} else {
    			return date.toISOString().split("T")[0];
    	static selectRecords(records, field, options = {}) {
    		let title = options.title || "Select Records";
    		let message = options.message || "";
    		let type = options.type || "selectMultiple";
    		let filter = options.filter || function () { return true };
    		if (typeof field == "string") {
    			var promptLabel = function(record) {
    				return record._fields[field];
    		} else if (typeof field == "function") {
    			var promptLabel = function(record) {
    				return field(record);
    		let prompt = Prompt.create();
    		prompt.title = title;
    		prompt.message = message;
    		switch (type) {
    			case "selectMultiple":
    			case "selectOne":
    				let labelToRecordMap = {};
    				records.forEach(function(record) {
    					labelToRecordMap[promptLabel(record)] = record; 
    				let recordFields = records.filter(filter).map(promptLabel).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
    				prompt.addSelect("selectedRecords", "", recordFields, [], type == "selectMultiple");
    				let selected =;
    				if (selected) {
    					return prompt.fieldValues["selectedRecords"].map(label => labelToRecordMap[label]);
    				} else {
    			case "selectButtons":
    				let idToRecordMap = {};
    				records.forEach(record => { idToRecordMap[record._id] = record });
    				records.filter(filter).sort((a, b) => promptLabel(a).localeCompare(promptLabel(b))).forEach(record => { prompt.addButton(promptLabel(record), record._id) });
    				let selected2 =;
    				if (selected2) {
    					return [idToRecordMap[prompt.buttonPressed]];
    				} else {
    class ATTable {
    	constructor(name, base) {
    		this._name = name;
    		this._base = base;
    		this._pulledRecords = new Array();
    		this._unPushedRecords = new Array();
    		this.lastError = undefined;
    		this._idToRecordMap = new Object();
    	get name() {
    		return this._name;
    	set name(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The name property of ATTable is read only");
    	get base() {
    		return this._base;
    	set base(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The base property of ATTable is read only");
    	static create(name, base){
    		return new ATTable(name, base);
    	get records() {
    		return this._pulledRecords.concat(this._unPushedRecords);
    	set records(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The records property of ATTable is read only");
    	get fields() {
    		if (this._pulledRecords.length > 0) {
    			return Object.keys(this._pulledRecords[0]._fields);
    		} else {
    			return undefined;
    	set fields(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The fields property of ATTable is read only");
    	_pullData() {
    		let httpRequest = new ATHTTPRequest(this);
    		let success = httpRequest.get();
    		if (success) {
    			let rawData = httpRequest.responseData.records;
    			this._pulledRecords = => ATRecord._createFromData(rec, this));
    			while (httpRequest.responseData.hasOwnProperty("offset")) {
    				let offset = httpRequest.responseData.offset;
    				let success = httpRequest.get({"offset": offset});
    				if (success) {
    					let moreRawData = httpRequest.responseData.records;
    					this._pulledRecords = this._pulledRecords.concat( => ATRecord._createFromData(rec, this)));
    				} else {
    					this.lastError = httpRequest.error;
    					this.lastStatusCode = httpRequest.statusCode;
    		} else {
    			return false;
    	_mapIDsToRecords() {
    		for (let record of this._pulledRecords) {
    			this._idToRecordMap[] = record;
    	addRecord(record) {
    		record._table = this;
    	selectRecords(field, options) {
    		return ATRecord.selectRecords(this._pulledRecords, field, options);
    	update() {
    		for (let record of this._unPushedRecords) {
    			let response = record._pushToTable(this);
    			if (!response.success) {
    				return false;
    			} else {
    				record._isLocalOnly = false;
    				record._changedFields = {};
    		let success = this._pullData();
    		this._unPushedRecords = [];
    		return success;
    class ATBase {
    	constructor(name) {
    		this._name = name;
    		this._tables = new Array();
    	get tables() {
    		return this._tables;
    	set tables(value) {
    		app.displayErrorMessage("The tables property of ATBase is read only");
    	static create(name) {
    		return new ATBase(name);
    	_authorize() {
    		let credential = Credential.create("Airtable (" + this._name + ")", "Enter base info");
    		credential.addTextField("endpoint", "Endpoint");
    		credential.addPasswordField("apiKey", "API key");
    		this._endpoint = credential.getValue("endpoint").replace("", "").replace("/", "").trim();
    		this._apiKey = credential.getValue("apiKey");
    	getRecordWithID(id) {
    		let _idToRecordMap = Object.assign({}, => table._idToRecordMap));
    		return _idToRecordMap[id];


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