Unchecked Tasks to Todoist
Posted by @RosemaryOrchard,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Based on Version 2 of the Todoist Quick Add API Action.
This action takes all of the incompleted tasks in a Draft, and adds them to Todoist:
- [ ] task 1
- [ ] task 2
- [x] task 3
Task1 and task2 would be added here.
Because it uses the quick add API the tasks can be in the following format:
- [ ] Buy beer tomorrow 1pm #Party p1
- [ ] Call Pete #Work friday 3pm
And it should add them to the right project, interpret times, etc.
You will need to add your Todoist API Token into the script where indicated.
var credential = Credential.create("Todoist", "Todoist API"); credential.addTextField("token", "Token"); credential.authorize(); // check to see if draft is blank var content = draft.content; var check = content.length; if (content.length == 0) { alert("Draft is blank"); context.cancel("Draft was blank"); } // Call API for each line in a draft // split draft and loop over lines var lines = draft.content.split("\n"); var http = HTTP.create(); // create HTTP object var params = {"token":credential.getValue("token")}; for (var line of lines) { if (line.startsWith("- [ ] ")) { params["text"] = line.replace("- [ ] ", ""); var response = http.request({ "url": "", "method": "POST", "data": params }); if (response.success) { console.log(response.statusCode); } else { console.log(response.statusCode); console.log(response.error); } } }
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