Toggle numbered lists
Posted by @ComplexPoint,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Toggle Markdown numbered line (Ordered List) prefixes
(of selected lines)
on and off
(() => { 'use strict'; // Toggle list item numbering of selected lines on ⇄ off const main = () => { const e = editor, rgxOL = /^(\s*)\d+\. (.*)/, rgxOther = /^(\s*)(\S.*)/, [pres, selns, posts] = selectionTriagedLines(), dcts = map( x => { const mOL = rgxOL.exec(x), mOther = mOL ? null : rgxOther.exec(x), blnOther = Boolean(mOther); return mOL ? { ol: true, indent: mOL[1], txt: mOL[2] } : { ol: false, indent: blnOther ? mOther[1] : '', txt: blnOther ? mOther[2] : '' }; }, selns ), blnToOL = !dcts.some(dct => dct.ol), strPre = unlines(pres), strToggled = unlines(map( blnToOL ? ( (x, i) => `${x.indent}${i + 1}. ${x.txt}` ) : x => x.indent + x.txt, dcts )); return ( e.setText( unlines( [strPre, strToggled, unlines(posts)] .filter(x => 0 < x.length) ) ), selns.length > 1 ? ( e.setSelectedRange( 1 + (strPre.length || -1), strToggled.length ) ) : e.setSelectedRange( 1 + (strPre.length || -1) + strToggled.length, 0 ) ); }; // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ------------------------- // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] const map = (f, xs) =>; // showLog :: a -> Console String const showLog = (...args) => alert( .join(' -> ') ); // unlines :: [String] -> String const unlines = xs => xs.join('\n'); // DRAFTS --- // selectionTriagedLines :: () -> // ([String],[String],[String]) const selectionTriagedLines = () => { const e = editor, [from, lng] = e.getSelectedLineRange(), last = from + lng, clng = draft.content.length, blnLast = clng === last; return map( rng => rng.length > 0 ? ( e.getTextInRange(...rng).split('\n') ) : [], [ from > 0 ? [0, from - 1] : [], [from, blnLast ? lng : lng - 1], blnLast ? [] : [last, clng - last] ] ); }; // MAIN ... main(); })();
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