
Add Recipe to ShoppingList

Posted by @mtedewards, Last update about 6 years ago

Allows you to make a recipe as a checklist, check off the items that you already have, and then add the unchecked items to a list in Reminders called Shopping List.

Also: It then resets the recipe items to all be unchecked.

Expected Formatting:

Ham Sandwhich

- [ ] Bread
- [ ] Ham
- [ ] Butter
- [ ] Cheese


  • script

    // Add unchecked items to shopping list
    var list = ReminderList.findOrCreate("Shopping List");
    var d = draft.content;
    var lines = d.split("\n");
    var newContent = "";
    for (var line of lines) {
    	if(line.includes("- [ ]")) {
    		var item = line.replace("- [ ]","");
    		var reminder = list.createReminder();
    		reminder.title = item;
    	} else {
    	   line = line.replace("- [x]","- [ ]");
    	newContent = newContent + line + "\n";
    // do the replacement...
    draft.content = newContent;
    // alert(draft.content);


  • After Success Default
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