Select 1 more word (Right)
Posted by @ComplexPoint,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Select current word,
or extend the selection Rightward by one more word.
(() => { 'use strict'; // main :: IO () const main = () => expandSelnByWord(true, false); // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------- // Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b) const Tuple = (a, b) => ({ type: 'Tuple', '0': a, '1': b, length: 2 }); // concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] const concatMap = (f, xs) => [].concat.apply([],; // splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) const splitAt = (n, xs) => Tuple(xs.slice(0, n), xs.slice(n)); // SELECTION EXTENSIONS ------------------------------ // expandSelnByWord :: () -> IO () const expandSelnByWord = (blnMultiWord, blnLeft) => { const e = editor, tplSeln = e.getSelectedRange(), tplLine = e.getSelectedLineRange(), strLine = e.getTextInRange(...tplLine), intPosn = tplSeln[0], xy = splitAt( intPosn - tplLine[0], strLine ), [dl, dr] = concatMap( x => x !== null ? ( [x[0].length] ) : [0], // [/\b[\S]*$/.exec(xy[0]), /^[\S]*\b/.exec(xy[1])] ); return (tplSeln[1] === 0 || dl > 0 && dr > 0) ? ( e.setSelectedRange(intPosn - dl, dl + dr), 'extended' ) : blnMultiWord ? ( additionalWord( blnLeft, tplSeln, tplLine, strLine ) ) : 'No further'; }; // additionalWord :: Bool -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) // -> String -> IO () const additionalWord = (blnLeft, tplSeln, tplLine, strLine) => { const e = editor, s = blnLeft ? ( strLine.slice(0, tplSeln[0] - tplLine[0]) ) : strLine.slice(tplSeln[0] - tplLine[0] + tplSeln[1]), m = blnLeft ? ( /\b\S+\s*$/.exec(s) ) : /^\s*\S+\b/.exec(s), d = m ? m[0].length : 1; return ( e.setSelectedRange( tplSeln[0] - (blnLeft ? d : 0), tplSeln[1] + d ), m ? 'extending' : (() => { const tplNew = e.getSelectedRange(), blnFinished = blnLeft ? ( tplNew[0] < 1 ) : tplNew[0] + tplNew[1] >= e.getText().length; return blnFinished ? ( 'Finished' ) : expandSelnByWord(true, blnLeft); })() ); }; // MAIN --- return main(); })();
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