Toggle Tasks
Posted by @mattgemmell,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Toggle task marks on selected lines, as follows:
- If a line is checked, it will become unchecked.
- If a line is unchecked, it will become checked.
- If a line has no checkbox, it will be given one (unchecked), along with a list-hyphen if necessary.
// Add a function to replace substrings in a given range. String.prototype.splice = function(start,length,replacement) { return this.substr(0,start)+replacement+this.substr(start+length); } // Grab the full line(s) which span the selection, as an array. var lineRange = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); var selectedLines = editor.getTextInRange(lineRange[0], lineRange[1]); var shrinkSelection = (selectedLines.slice(-1) == "\n"); var lines = selectedLines.split("\n"); // Set up some RegExps and useful strings. var uncheckedRE = new RegExp(/^(-\s*(\[\s\])\s*)/, 'i'); var checkedRE = new RegExp(/^-\s*\[x\]\s*/, 'i'); var uncheckedPrefix = "- [ ] " var checkedPrefix = "- [x] " // Check or uncheck each line as appropriate, accumulating the new lines. var newLines = []; for (var line of lines) { var checkedMatch = checkedRE.exec(line); if (checkedMatch) { // This is a checked line. // Uncheck this line. newLines.push(line.splice(0, checkedMatch[0].length, uncheckedPrefix)); } else { // This is an unchecked line, either with an empty checkbox or none. uncheckedMatch = uncheckedRE.exec(line); if (uncheckedMatch && line.length > 0) { // Check this line. newLines.push(line.splice(0, uncheckedMatch[0].length, checkedPrefix)); } else if (line.length == 0) { // Empty line. Keep as-is. newLines.push(line); } else { // This line has no checkbox-brackets. First, strip any hyphen. line = line.replace(/^\s*-\s*/i, ''); // Add checkbox hyphen and brackets, unchecked. newLines.push(line.splice(0, 0, uncheckedPrefix)); } } } // Replace the selected line(s) with their transformed versions. var newLinesChunk = newLines.join("\n"); var selectionLength = newLinesChunk.length; if (shrinkSelection) { selectionLength = selectionLength - 1; } editor.setTextInRange(lineRange[0], lineRange[1], newLinesChunk); editor.setSelectedRange(lineRange[0] + selectionLength, 0);
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