Zapier: Catch Hook with Hard Coded URL
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Example script demonstrates how to trigger a Zap at which has a “Catch Hook” trigger. Change the “hookURL” variable and “data” passed as needed.
This example will not work unless the hookURL
variable at the top of the script is changed to a valid Catch Hook URL. The data
variable can also be changed to pass other values to the Catch Hook if desired. By default it will send “title”, “body”, and “content” value which can be used in the Zap action.
// Set to Webhook URL for a Zap // With a "Catch Hook" trigger type // This can be copied from dashboard var hookURL = ""; // Setup data you want passed to the Zap // Default pass title, body and full content of draft // Other values could be passed var data = { "title": draft.title, "body": draft.processTemplate("[[body]]"), "content": draft.content } // create HTTP and make POST request to Catch Hook var http = HTTP.create(); var response = http.request({ "url": hookURL, "method": "POST", "data": data, "headers": { "Accept": "application/json" } }); // log result console.log(response.statusCode); console.log(response.responseText); // if not 200 OK, fail the action // Otherwise Zapier successfully received post if (response.statusCode != 200) {; }
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