Jekyll formatting
Posted by Cory Dransfeldt,
Last update
over 6 years ago
This is perhaps a proof of concept, more than anything and contains fields specific to my personal site, but it should work as a functional guide for generating a workflow that works for yours. The intent is for it to simplify writing to a Jekyll blog from mobile using Drafts by handling post front-matter formatting and file name creation behind the scenes.
/* * @title: Jekyll formatting -> Working Copy * @author: Cory Dransfeldt * @email: * @notes: This is perhaps a proof of concept, more than anything and contains fields specific to my personal site, * but it should work as a functional guide for generating a workflow that works for yours. The intent is for it to * simplify writing to a Jekyll blog from mobile using Drafts by handling post front-matter formatting and file name * creation behind the scenes. */ var credential = Credential.create("Jekyll path", "Jekyll path"); credential.addTextField("jekyll-repo", "Jekyll repo name"); credential.addTextField("jekyll-path", "Path to your jekyll posts directory"); credential.addTextField("working-copy-key", "Working Copy x-url-callback key"); var result = credential.authorize(); if (!result) { alert("Failed to obtain required Jekyll data. Please check it and try again."); context.cancel("Failed to obtain required Jekyll data. Please check it and try again."); } else { if ((typeof(credential.getValue("jekyll-repo")) === 'undefined' || String(credential.getValue("jekyll-repo")).length === 0) || (typeof(credential.getValue("jekyll-path")) === 'undefined' || String(credential.getValue("jekyll-path")).length === 0) || (typeof(credential.getValue("working-copy-key")) === 'undefined' || String(credential.getValue("working-copy-key")).length === 0)) { alert("Repo values are invalid. Please rerun action and enter token again"); credential.forget(); context.cancel("Repo values were invalid."); } else { var newDraft = '', content = draft.content, prompt = Prompt.create(), date = new Date(), now = date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate() + ' ' + date.getHours() + ':' + (date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()); prompt.title = 'Jekyll post data'; prompt.message = 'Enter Jekyll post data'; prompt.isCancellable = true; if (draft.title.length === 0 || typeof(draft.title.length) === 'undefined') { prompt.addTextField('title', 'Title', ''); } else { prompt.addTextField('title', 'Title', draft.title); }; prompt.addTextField('link', 'Link', ''); prompt.addTextField('date', 'Date', now); prompt.addTextField('categories', 'Categories', ''); prompt.addTextField('tags', 'Tags', ''); prompt.addButton('Ok');; if (prompt.buttonPressed == "Ok") { var tags = prompt.fieldValues['tags'].split(' '); categories = prompt.fieldValues['categories'].split(' '), titleArr = prompt.fieldValues['title'].split(' '), fileName = date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate() + '-'; // modify the filename to be => fileName += `${t}-`); fileName = fileName.replace(/-$/, ''); fileName += '.md'; // remove the file name from the draft content = content.replace(prompt.fieldValues['title'], '').trim(); // assemble post frontmatter newDraft += '---\n'; newDraft += 'layout: post\n' newDraft += 'date: ' + prompt.fieldValues['date'] + '\n'; if (prompt.fieldValues['link'] !== '') newDraft += 'link: ' + prompt.fieldValues['link'] + '\n'; newDraft += 'title: ' + "'" + prompt.fieldValues['title'] + "'" + '\n'; newDraft += 'category:\n'; => newDraft += `- ${cat}\n`); newDraft += 'tags:\n' => newDraft += `- ${tag}\n`); newDraft += '---\n'; newDraft += content; // set draft content editor.setText(newDraft); // send to working copy var baseURL = 'working-copy://x-callback-url/write/?key=' + credential.getValue("working-copy-key") + '&repo=' + encodeURI(credential.getValue("jekyll-repo")) + '&path=' + encodeURI(credential.getValue("jekyll-path")) + '/' + encodeURI(fileName.toLowerCase()) + '&text=' + encodeURI(newDraft), cb = CallbackURL.create(); cb.baseURL = baseURL;; }; } };
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