
Markdown Image Reference Link

Posted by toniwonkanobi, Last update about 6 years ago

Mimics the “Markdown Reference Link” script, but prepends the ! modifier accordingly.


  • script

    If no text is selected:
    - add reference link template [][1] at current cursor position
    - add reference [1]: at end of document, with link if clipboard contains URL 
    - move cursor to inside of [] for entering URL text
    If text is selected:
    - replace selection with [selection][1]
    - add reference [1]: at end of document, with link if clipboard contains URL
    - move cursor to after [selection][1] if link was added, or after reference [1]: if no link was added
    Script automatically increments reference number for each new link.
    // helper to test for URL
    function isUrl(s) {
       var urlRegex = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/
       return urlRegex.test(s);
    // helper to check current highest link number and return next available number
    function nextLinkNumber() {
      var lines = editor.getText().split("\n")
      var lastLine = lines.pop()
      // Ignore whitespace after final line of document
      nonWhitespaceRegex = /\S/ 
      while (!nonWhitespaceRegex.test(lastLine)){
        lastLine = lines.pop()
      var refRegex = /\[(\d+)\]/
      var existingLink = refRegex.test(lastLine)
      if (existingLink == false){
        return 1
      } else {
        var currentLinkNumber = parseInt(refRegex.exec(lastLine)[1])
        return currentLinkNumber + 1
    var selection = editor.getSelectedText()
    var selectedRange = editor.getSelectedRange()
    var refLinkNumber = nextLinkNumber()
    // Get URL from clipboard if there is one
    var clip = app.getClipboard()
    var link = ""
    if (isUrl(clip)) {
      link = clip
    // Add additional new line character if first reference, otherwise add to next line
    if (refLinkNumber == 1) {
      var refLink = "\n\n![" + refLinkNumber + "]: " + link
    } else {
      var refLink = "\n![" + refLinkNumber + "]: " + link
    // If no text is selected
    if (selection.length == 0) {
      // Add reference link at current cursor position
      editor.setSelectedText("![][" + refLinkNumber + "] ")
      // Add reference to end of document
      editor.setText(editor.getText() + refLink)
      // Move cursor to center of [] in reference link in text
      editor.setSelectedRange(selectedRange[0] + 2, 0)
    } else {
      // Replace currently selected text with reference link
      editor.setSelectedText("![" + selection + "][" + refLinkNumber + "]")
      editor.setText(editor.getText() + refLink)
      // Add reference to end of document
      if (isUrl(clip)) {
        // If URL was added, move cursor back to after reference link in text
        editor.setSelectedRange(selectedRange[0] + selectedRange[1] + 5, 0)
      } else {
        // If no URL was added, move cursor to URL position in reference at end of document
        editor.setSelectedRange(editor.getText().length, 0)


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