
Jump To Header

Posted by @StefanoRausch, Last update over 6 years ago

Jump to the start, headers ( lines starting with 1 – 6 #s ) or end of a Markdown-formatted draft.


  • script

     * Original Script 'Find and Navigate to Headers' by Tim Nahumck.
     * Enhanced by Stefano F. Rausch:
     * - Applied the modular pattern.
     * - Using the strict programming conventions.
     * - Better ( real ) header recognition.
     * - Empty headers will not appear in the list of jump points.
     * - Jump to the start or end of a draft even if headers are missing.
     * - Simplified the conditional statements user response-wise.
    ( () => {
      'use strict';
      let d = draft.content;
      // find lines that start with hashes
      let headers = d.match( /^#+?[ \t]+\S.*$/mgi );
      // display prompt
      let p = Prompt.create();
      p.title = "Jump To";
      p.addButton( "Start of Draft" );
      if ( headers ) {
        for ( let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++ ) {
        	p.addButton( headers[i] );
      p.addButton( "End of Draft" );
      let jump =;
      // process user response
      if ( jump ) {
        if ( p.buttonPressed == "Start of Draft" ) {
          editor.setSelectedRange( 0, 0 );
        else if ( p.buttonPressed == "End of Draft" ) {
            editor.setSelectedRange( d.length, 0 );
        else {
          let header = p.buttonPressed;
          let position = header );
          editor.setSelectedRange( position + header.length, 0 )
      else {
    } )();


  • After Success Default
    Notification Error
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