Add Script to Things
Posted by @craigmcclellan,
Last update
over 6 years ago
After a Script is started in Drafts using Tim Nahumck’s New Code Draft action from his action scripting group, this Script will take the URL of the Draft and make a task in Things reminding you to work on this script and linking you back to it.
// Add Script to Things var draftURL = draft.permalink; var codeTitle = draft.processTemplate("[[title]]"); var scriptTitle = codeTitle.slice(3); // Prompt to either write a new script or update an existing one with a new feature. var p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Action Selector"; p.message = "How would you like to send this script to Things?"; p.addButton("Create New Script"); p.addButton("Update Existing Script"); var input = p.buttonPressed; var todo = TJSTodo.create(); todo.list = "Drafts Actions"; // If new script, just create a task with the title of the script and a link. If not, prompt for a feature you'd like to add which will be added to notes. if (input == "Create New Script") { todo.title = scriptTitle; } else { todo.title = "Update " + scriptTitle; var q = Prompt.create(); q.title = "Feature"; q.message = "What feature would you like to add to the script?"; q.addTextView("feature", "Feature", ""); q.addButton("Done");; var feature = q.fieldValues["feature"]; } // Add link and feature (if created) to task Notes todo.notes = feature + "\n" + "\n" + draftURL; // create a container to handle creation of Things URL var container = TJSContainer.create([todo]); // Use CallbackURL object to open URL in Things var cb = CallbackURL.create(); cb.baseURL = container.url; var success =; if (success) { console.log("Script Added to Things"); } else {; }
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Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.