Posted by @olivierg,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Script API to allow easy manipulation of Bear notes.
Meant to be used via “Include Action” action step.
class Bear { static get bearBaseURL() { return "bear://x-callback-url/"; } static formatNewNote(tags) { if (tags == undefined) tags = []; else if (!Array.isArray(tags)) tags = [tags]; return "# " + draft.content + "\n\n---\n(from a draft created on " + draft.createdAt + ")\n" + => "#" + t).join(" ") + "\n"; } static isNoteID(str) { return /^[A-Z0-9]+(\-[A-Z0-9]+)*$/.test(str); } static paramNameFor(note) { if (Bear.isNoteID(note)) return "id"; else return "title"; } static executeAction(action, parameters) { if (parameters == undefined) parameters = {}; var cb = CallbackURL.create(); cb.baseURL = Bear.bearBaseURL + action; cb.parameters = parameters; // open and wait for result var success =; if (success) { return cb.callbackResponse; } else { // something went wrong or was cancelled console.log(cb.status); if (cb.status == "cancel") context.cancel(); else; return false; } } static executeActionOn(action, note, parameters) { if (parameters == undefined) parameters = {}; parameters[Bear.paramNameFor(note)] = note; return Bear.executeAction(action, parameters); } static open(note) { var url = Bear.bearBaseURL + "open-note?" + Bear.paramNameFor(note) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(note); return app.openURL(url); } static create(text, options) { if (options == undefined) options = {}; if ( == undefined) = false; return Bear.executeAction("create", { title: options.title, text: text, pin: ? "yes" : "no" }); } static createFromCurrentDraft(tags, options) { return Bear.create(Bear.formatNewNote(tags), options); } static addTextTo(note, mode, text) { if (text == undefined) text = draft.content; return Bear.executeActionOn("add-text", note, { mode: mode, text: text, exclude_trashed: 'yes' }); } static prependTo(note, template, text) { if (text == undefined) text = draft.content; switch (template) { case "list": text = "- " + text; break; case "section": text = text + "\n---\n"; break; case "plain": default: text = text; } return Bear.addTextTo(note, "prepend", text); } static appendTo(note, template, text) { if (text == undefined) text = draft.content; switch (template) { case "list": text = "- " + text; break; case "section": text = "\n---\n" + text; break; case "plain": default: text = text; } return Bear.addTextTo(note, "append", text); } } class BearNote { constructor(data) { this._identifier = data.identifier; this._content = data.note; this._title = data.title; this._isTrashed = data.is_trashed == "yes"; this._creationDate = new Date(data.creationDate); this._modificationDate = new Date(data.modificationDate); } get identifier() { return this._identifier; } get title() { return this._title; } get isTrashed() { return this._isTrashed; } get creationDate() { return this._creationDate; } get modificationDate() { return this._modificationDate; } get content() { return this._content; } set content(newContent) { this.addText("replace_all", newContent); } trash() { var result = Bear.executeActionOn("trash", this.identifier); this._isTrashed = true; this._modificationDate =; return result; } addText(mode, text) { var result = Bear.addTextTo(this.identifier, mode, text); this._title = result.title; this._content = result.note; this._modificationDate =; return result; } prepend(text) { return this.addText("prepend", text); } append(text) { return this.addText("append", text); } static fetch(note) { return new BearNote(Bear.executeActionOn("open-note", note)); } static create(content) { return BearNote.fetch(Bear.create(content).identifier); } }
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